
-[DC Oneshot]-

"Gotham, huh?" I voice as rain cascades down, dampening my already grey parka.

The streets around are as dull as the people come and go with their umbrellas. With black and white skyscrapers carving into the dark storm clouds above.

"Haaa-", another breath escapes my lungs, "Why did I think this was a good idea? tsk!"

Shaking my head, I begin trudging quietly down the path, swiftly maneuvering between passers-by's. While staring at the grimy brick ground, now slick with mud.

Finally getting close enough to take a sharp turn into an alleyway, I deafen my footsteps even more, trying to become one with the surrounding scene of dumpsters and trash cans. My ears twitch at the sound of murmuring and shuffling of feet up ahead. Slowing down to more of a casual walk, some silhouettes show through the dark, surrounded by what appears to be people collapsed on the ground.

The most noticeable one being having points on his head and a….. cape/cloak.

"….Bloody hell" I whisper, of course, knowing my luck I come across the infamous 'Bat Fam'.

Meaning the others standing with the Bat are Robin and Nightwing, "Greeaaat… Just what I need… "

Sticking close to the wall, I attempt to walk past without being noticed while tiptoeing around beaten up bodies.

"Father!" The small bird shouts.

"Go home Robin." The Big Bat spoke with his back facing to me.

"Come on B, he just wanted to help!" Nightwing says facing him, ('if he were to move an inch to my left he would most definitely see me').

'Did I come across a domestic?' Raising an eyebrow, I stare at the trio.

"No. He went against my orders again and his punishment was no patrol for a week."

'What the-'

"-tt-. I don't need your help Grayson." Robin bites out as he suddenly makes eye contact ('glares')

with me from under his domino mask.

'Grayson? Awwww shit.'

'Wait… HE CAN SEE ME?!'

The realisation that I need to get out of here as soon as possible smashed into me.

"Baby Bird…" The newly dubbed 'Grayson' wined.

"No, Gra- Father, we appear to be an uninvited eavesdropper," Robin so kindly informs.

'Well, shiet.'

"So, uh, Hey?" I reply awkwardly, gradually a becoming soft and higher pitched towards the end.

'Come on, come on, come on, WoRK! WhY DOeS IT nOT WORk WhEN i NeED It tO?! AhHHhhhHH-!'

Batman swiftly turn as 'Grayson' peeks from behind him.

"Hmm? Oh Hey, are you by yourself?"

"Well you see... I'm a go now." I say pointing figure guns towards my destination, 'The not exit'.

"wha-NO WAIT" 'Grayson' shouts trying to stop me.

Now speed walking ('read sprinting'), I turn the corner into another alleyway and begin to feel the comforting sensation of coldness. The following sound of rushing footsteps turn down the same dead end. Pushing myself against the building wall, I try to be as silent as possible.

'I will not be caught again by these so called heroes'

'Grayson' abruptly stops and gazes around, "…What? Where did they go?"

The now scowling Batman, "We will find out later, right now we need to take Robin home."


"No, Damian."

'Ooo lala. 'Damian'. This trio is doin' all the name drops. But seriously, I need to leave.'

Ignoring the argument happening, I start sidestepping faster towards the opening, while taking effort to not stand on any rubbish.

'Yasss, the exit is near!'

More randomness

_Geor_creators' thoughts
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