
"System, I Don't Want to Have Babies!"

Evil MC John got hit by a truck & died, but when he opened his eyes he was reincarnated into another world—as a beautiful, white-haired woman. John, now living comfortably with wealthy mortal parents, soon discovers that this world is not an ordinary one. It's a world of cultivation, and there’s a way for John to become male again—by becoming a high-level cultivator & acquire treasure to change gender. With this goal in mind, John patiently waited for the spiritual root testing ceremony, which anyone can participate at the age of 12. On the day of the ceremony, with hope and determination in John's heart, John steps forward for the test. But as John prepares to take the test, a message appears in his mind. Your spiritual root has been devoured.... Dark | Unique System | R18 DAILY 1 chapter between 10;00 - 10;30 AM

Feebas · Eastern
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62 Chs

Ch53.1; Zhang Lian Thought

Zhang Lian, with her uneven breath, pushed Chen Gou's exhausted body to one side. The weight of him had been suffocating her; the heat of the recent experience lingering between them. Lying for a while, gazing at the ceiling, the slow rise and fall of her chest is the only movement.

Then suddenly a sound echoed in her mind and with it, a message appeared.

[Ding ding! Congratulations, host, you are pregnant. You have gained 1 Normal Point.]

Hearing the words Zhang Lian felt a small sense of satisfaction, but then her gaze slowly drifted to Chen Gou.

He lay there, completely drained, breathing deeply as if the effort had taken all out of him. The white liquid dripped out of her, slid down her thighs, a physical reminder of what they had just done as his rod slipped out when she pushed him aside.

For an instant, a dark thought flashed through her mind, a sharp, cold instinct urging her to get rid of him once and for all

She let out a deep sigh, her fingers digging into the soft silk sheets as she considered her options. Not yet. Ending his life isn't possible right now, and it would only cause more problems and also he was still useful as She had only found one person who could help her have spiritual root babies.

From the room's corner, Cat's relaxed voice interrupted the quiet. "Nyaa, congratulations. You're pregnant again."

Zhang Lian nodded slowly, pushing herself up from the bed. She stood up gracefully, though fatigue still lingered in her muscles. After glancing at Chen Gou, who was still lying and looking at her, she turned away and headed to the bathroom, her thoughts a mix of satisfaction and frustration.

Inside the bathroom, Zhang Lian washed away the remnants from her lower body, the cold water calming the tension from the earlier encounter. Her reflection wavered as her fingers moved the water in the basin's edge, her mind wandering.

She moved toward the cold pool, her white hair sticking to her soft skin as she dipped one foot into the water. A sharp chill shot up her spine. She paused to let her body adjust to the cold, the water gently rippling around her ankle.

With careful movement, she stepped further in, her body breaking the surface of the still water. The cold enveloped her skin, raising goosebumps on her arms and legs as the water flowed over her, white skin.

Each ripple spread across the small pool as she relaxed herself in, the cold water moving at her thighs and hips until she settled on the stone edge. The water barely touched her waist as she leaned against the cool wall, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths, feeling the gentle waves against her skin.

Her mind wandered. *This can't continue,* She had tried to control her desires, for both men and women, but each attempt ended in failure.

The experience with Chen Gou had been oddly pleasurable, a feeling she couldn't shake off, but it left her feeling empty, overshadowed by her frustration.

Her fingers glided over her breasts, tracing her body as she sighed. Have I truly become a woman in heart and soul? The question hung in the air, bitter.

She wasn't meant to feel this way—attached, exposed, torn. As a queen she should control her own fate, not be swayed by momentary pleasures. Yet memories of Chen Gou replayed in her mind, his awkward yet fulfilling touch, leaving her craving more.

Despite her body's sensations, her heart felt heavy. *Must I really follow this system's rules?* she thought, her hand resting softly on her stomach. *Can't I just live like a normal person, die, and escape this endless cycle?*

Her thoughts were broken by Cat, who floated nearby, observing her intently. "What's on your mind, nya?" it asked, its tone playful.

Zhang Lian looked up with her blue eyes, meeting Cat's gaze. Her expression was calm but showed inner turmoil. "I'm considering quitting cultivation," she said softly. "I don't want to be just a… a machine for making babies."

Cat's eyes widened in surprise, its tail flicking in disbelief. "Nya?! Are you serious?" it asked, floating closer. "But you could be the strongest in the universe! Even immortal. Why would you want to give that up?"

Zhang Lian's expression softened, and she sighed, leaning her head against the cold marble of the pool. "And then what?" she whispered.

Cat tilted its head, confused. "Then, nya, you could enjoy everything—become anyone, do anything. You once said the worst thing was being in the womb—trapped and bored. Don't you remember?"

Zhang Lian trembles at the thought. It still haunted her, the feeling of being trapped in a womb—unable to move, alone in the dark. The fear of that experience had almost driven her insane. It was worse than any nightmare she could imagine.

She closed her eyes again, her thoughts drifting back to that moment. What if it happens again? The fear made her anxious. What if this life ends, and I find myself trapped in another womb? & Who knows How many times has my soul gone through this?

The cold water on her skin felt real, reminding her of the present, but the fear remained. She needed to escape the endless cycle of life and death. To do that, she had to grow stronger.

Zhang Lian made her choice and climbed out of the pool, water dripping down her smooth, white skin. She paused for a moment, feeling the cold droplets slide along her back, tracing her spine before they fell onto the floor. Her white hair stuck to her wet skin as she moved, each motion graceful and elegant.

Meanwhile the cat was still thinking something, but still flew by her side in some thoughts.

Zhang Lian walked slowly, water gathering at her feet with every step, her long legs shining as droplets fell from her body.

She slowly Stepped out of the bathroom, her hips moving slowly with each movement. Water followed her in a trail, her white hair framed her face as she approached the closet.

From the bed, Chen Gou watched her, completely mesmerized. His breath caught as he looked at the water dripping from her body. His eyes lingered on her legs, then traveled to the movement of her hips, the curve of her waist, and the elegant line of her shoulders. The way her wet hair clung to her back made her appear almost immortal.

Chen Gou felt his heartbeat become faster as he gazed at her, unable to look away. In that instant, he understood he had completely fallen for her as his rod stood up again.

Despite her teasing and threats, he couldn't shake the strong feelings he had for her. When he had been close to her, he felt a connection and warmth that was new to him. For the first time, he felt desired, even if just for a small moment.

He watched her, charmed by her as she walked.

His chest tightened with the realization of how much he wanted to remain with her, to feel this way again, no matter how exhausting it was.

He dreamed of sharing a life with her, even imagining a family—perhaps a child or more—filled him with hope.

As Zhang Lian reached for her closet, Chen Gou's mind raced. He didn't care about her icy demeanor. All he wanted was more—more of her, more of this life. He was ready to do anything to hold onto it.