
"Reborn in the Movie Universe"

Hi, I'm Krishna, reborn in the movie universe, enjoying my life. If you're interested, check out my story.

IAmUnknown · Movies
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60 Chs


After we stepped inside the house, Ammu's phone rang. She glanced at the screen, and her eyes widened slightly before answering. It was her father, calling after seeing the news that I had announced Anu and Ammu as my girlfriends. To our relief, he sounded cheerful, even excited. "When are we going to meet?" he asked eagerly.

Ammu, smiling, responded, "I'm going to have dinner with Krishna's family tonight. We can talk more after that." As she ended the call, my mother turned to Anu and Ammu with a welcoming smile. "Where are you taking them, Ma?" I asked, curious about their sudden departure.

"I want to talk to my daughters-in-law. Do you have any problem with that?" she replied, her tone playful but firm.

I quickly shook my head. "No, Ma, of course not."

With that, Anu and Ammu followed my mother, leaving me to ponder the day's events. I retreated to my room, letting the warm water of the shower wash away the stress. The steam cleared my mind, and I felt a sense of calm settle over me. Refreshed, I headed downstairs to find my mother, Anu, and Ammu chatting animatedly. The clock struck dinnertime, and my mother called out to my father and Bheeshma, who had just returned from overseeing operations at Bheeshma Organics.

As we all gathered around the dining table, Bheeshma looked slightly taken aback, still digesting the day's unexpected revelations. Yet, the mood was light and joyous as we ate, our conversations flowing seamlessly between laughter and shared stories.

After dinner, it was time for Anu and Ammu to head home. We all exchanged farewells, and then I accompanied them to the car. The evening air was cool as we made our way to Ammu's house first. The journey was filled with comfortable silence, each of us lost in our thoughts. When we arrived, Ammu's family was already outside, waiting.

"Krishna, please come inside," Ammu's father invited warmly.

I shook my head with a polite smile. "No, Uncle. I have to drop Anu home. It's already dark, but next time, definitely. When are you coming to meet my parents?"

Ammu's father chuckled heartily. "Hahaha, Krishna, don't call me Uncle. Call me Father now. We'll arrange a meeting soon."

His words filled me with warmth and happiness. I nodded gratefully, and we exchanged farewells. Before we could leave, Ammu surprised us all by hugging me tightly in front of her family—a bold move that earned smiles all around. Anu and I then made our way to her house.

The drive to Anu's was short but filled with a quiet sense of anticipation. As we arrived, Anu turned to me with a tender smile. She hugged me, and we shared a soft kiss, a promise of more moments to come. Watching her walk inside, I felt a deep sense of contentment.

Returning home, I parked the car in the garage and wished my family good night. Exhausted but happy, I headed to my room. The day's whirlwind of events replayed in my mind as I sank into my bed, the soft sheets welcoming me into their embrace. Closing my eyes, I felt sleep take over quickly, pulling me into a dream-filled slumber. Today had been a crazy day, but one filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a bright future.


As I was sleeping, my phone suddenly started to ring. Groggily, I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock. It was 6 in the morning. I groaned and muttered to myself, "Who is calling this early?" Reaching for the phone, I saw the caller ID. "Huh, an unknown number," I mumbled, my curiosity piqued despite the early hour. After a moment's hesitation, I answered the call.

"Hel...hello, is this Mr. Krishna's number?" The voice on the other end was familiar yet laced with nervousness.

"Sneha? Yes, it's me, Krishna. What happened? Why are you calling this early?" I asked, a sense of urgency creeping into my voice.

Sneha's reply came in a rush, her words tumbling over each other. "Hi...it's Sneha, sir. Sorry, Mr. Krishna, for calling you this early in the morning."

"That's okay, Sneha. What's going on?" I encouraged her to continue, my curiosity fully awakened now.

"Mr. Krishna, yesterday an unidentified body was found in Venkatachalam. When our boss went there to investigate, the police arrested him, saying he was a suspect in the murder. We tried to request his release, but CI Gautham told us to come back tomorrow. This morning, I received a call from CI Gautham saying that the boss wanted to talk to me. When I spoke to him, he asked me to call you and request you to come here and meet him. He said he found the big case that you were talking about," Sneha explained in one breath, her anxiety palpable through the phone.

I processed her words quickly, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "Alright, Sneha. I'll come there. It might take me some time to reach, but I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay, I'll let the boss know. Thank you, Mr. Krishna," she replied, relief evident in her voice before the line went dead.

I sat up in bed, my mind racing. The day had barely begun, and already, a storm was brewing.

After I ended the call with Sneha, I quickly rose from bed and headed to the shower. The cool water helped wake me up and clear my head. I dressed swiftly, choosing a simple yet professional outfit, and glanced at the clock. It was already 6:30 AM.

I made my way downstairs, where I found my parents engaged in their usual morning routines. My mother was bustling around the kitchen, preparing breakfast, while my father sat at the dining table, engrossed in the newspaper.

Seeing me in a rush, my mother looked up, concern etched on her face. "Krishna, what happened? Where are you going so early?"

"A sudden work emergency came up. I need to leave for Venkatachalam," I explained, trying to keep my voice steady.

My father folded his newspaper and looked at me seriously. "When will you be back?"

"I don't know, it might take some time," I admitted, feeling a pang of guilt for leaving so abruptly.

"Alright, but if anything happens, call us immediately," my father said, his voice firm but understanding.

I nodded, feeling their concern. "I will. Don't worry."

I exchanged quick farewells with them and stepped outside. The morning air was crisp, filled with the promise of a new day. I pulled out my phone and dialed Seenu's number. He picked up after a couple of rings. "What happened, Krishna?"

"Seenu, I'm heading to Venkatachalam for some urgent work. Please cancel all my meetings for the next two days," I instructed, trying to keep the urgency out of my voice.

"Okay, but why are you going to Venkatachalam?" Seenu's voice was filled with curiosity.

"It's just some work that came up suddenly. I'll give you all the details when I'm back," I replied, not wanting to dive into the complicated explanation over the phone.

"Alright. If you need anything, call me," Seenu said, his voice filled with concern.

"I will. Also, call Paani and let him know that I won't be able to meet him today. I'll see him after I get back from Venkatachalam."

"Okay, I'll inform him," Seenu agreed.

I ended the call, took a deep breath, and climbed into my Rolls-Royce Ghost. The engine purred to life, and I began the drive to Venkatachalam. The road stretched out ahead of me, the early morning light casting a golden hue over everything.

As I drove through the winding roads towards Venkatachalam, I muttered to myself, "Now in this case, I have to face some government problems. Let's call him then. On the surface Andhra Pradesh is his area, after all." I took out my phone and dialed a number from memory.




Inside a cozy room, a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties sat on a rocking chair, reading a newspaper. The morning sunlight streaming through the window bathed his face in a golden glow, highlighting his calm demeanor and the depth of life experience etched into his features. His eyes, however, held a hidden intensity, like a calm river that could swell into a powerful flood, sweeping away anything in its path.

As the middle-aged man sat reading his newspaper, the tranquility of his study was interrupted by the sudden ringing of a phone resting on the study table. The sound cut through the quiet, drawing his attention. He set the newspaper aside and walked over to the phone. Seeing an unknown number flash on the screen, he picked up the call without hesitation, his deep voice resonating as he answered, "Hello."

On the other end, a familiar voice greeted him. "How's it going, enjoying the quiet life?" It was Krishna himself.

Hearing Krishna's voice, a smile spread across the man's face. "Krishna, how did you remember your brother all of a sudden?"

"I'm coming to Andhra Pradesh, and I need your help," Krishna replied, his tone serious.

A shadow of concern crossed the man's face. "Krishna, did something happen? Who dares to trouble you? But first, how could anyone even manage to create a problem for you?"

"Nothing happened to me. I'm coming to Andhra Pradesh because I found a little adventure," Krishna said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"You and your little adventures. So, what is it this time that made you remember me after so many years?" the man asked, curiosity piqued.

Krishna explained everything that Sneha had told him, detailing the discovery of the unidentified body, the arrest of their boss, and the potential connection to a larger case. "I think it's not just that. There's more to this case. In the past six months, many unidentified bodies have been found," Krishna concluded.

The man frowned, processing the information. "That much has happened, and I didn't know?"

"You don't have to worry about it," Krishna reassured him. "I know what's happening with your family, and that's why I've stayed out of it. But remember, if anyone tries to do something funny, I'm going to get involved in your family matters."

The man laughed heartily. "Hahaha, you don't have to worry for now. Everything is going smoothly, but I can't promise anything about the future. Forget about me for now. Tell me, how can I help you with your little adventure?"

"In this case, I'll have to deal with the police and other officials. That's why I need your help. I want you to handle the police and ensure they cooperate with me," Krishna explained.

"That can be done. And after your adventure, make sure to call me. It's been a while since we talked," the man said warmly.

"Of course. Bye then," Krishna said before ending the call.

As the call disconnected, the man set the phone back on the table and returned to his rocking chair. He picked up his newspaper again, but his mind was now occupied with thoughts of Krishna and the unfolding events.

(Word's count:1870)