Due to covid pandemic I am getting bored at home, lying lazily on the couch. I was scrolling down my smartphone

But it's also making me even bored. SO I thought let's learn something new .Then I got a idea to learn typing or any other computer skills . So I go to google for best books on computer science . I learnt that only videos about computer is not enough to learn it .You have to read , study and also practice. Then I search for books and note down the names of the good books . Then I went to search the PDFs of the books I got some but not full book and some I get which are not the real book just only used the name to get more downloads.

I am getting angry because I can't able to find those Books on PDF format so .

Then I went to youtube and tried to search the books and after for 5 mins I got a video on YouTube that the book was available in PDF FORMAT so I click the video and listened to the instructions and then went to the description to get the PDF so when I went to it I see that there was written if you want to download the book then click the link given below and it was a link of telegram so I opt it and went directly to the channel's telegram account and to that book I am looking for , through my telegram account .So I just opt it to make it download but I am a bit nervous if it will also a fake book so that's why , And the book is more than 150mb so it was taking time to download So I get back from that account after just clicking the download button , wait I am not sure I had just get back or wait until it downloaded I think I had wait until it downloaded . But after it completely downloaded I just see the first 2-3 pages and skip it . Then I scroll down to see what are the other useful Books in this channel but don't get anything else so came back to my home screen of my telegram account .

I had gone to my telegram account after 2 months or more than that .I am not quite sure after how many days I am logging in my account So just scroll down and seeing that how many messages are there .

I had joined a few groups of study channels on telegram and all the groups which I had joined I had just disable their notifications or simply saying I had just silent their notifications So I can't get any notifications from the aap and yes I got a notification about the updating of the aap in 2 weeks or more than that .But I had just ignored it . So Don't have time to go and check these messages .

I saw that the no of msg are in thousands .The groups have msg a lot . I don't know anyone of them and don't participate in their discussion . I had just simply join the groups to get some information and PDF of the books. I just saw some groups have more than 15 thousands messages and the groups which have minimum I think the number of messages was 3 thousands .

Then I just opt every group and look and see their latest discussion and then came back from that group .

I had done the same in every individual group I had joined and came back .When I scroll down I had got messages from two unknown accounts .
