
Chapter 1 - July 17, 2020 Grad Day 1

1st person POV

I woke up.

I went to high school.

I went to school again for grad day.

I'm at home now.

Yay, now we've got a setting.

So, on with the story.


3rd person POV

Her silver head bobbed up and down as she listened to the radio. Her favorite pop music was blasting. As she enthusiastically moved her head to the beat, her mother entered her monotone bedroom.

"Hon, for God's sake! Stop acting like a crazy turtle!!!"

The girl cringed at her mother's words but obediently turned down the radio and straightened her neck.

"Dinner's ready, so come down to eat!"

"5 minutes."

"Hon, don't starve yourself."

"I'm not."

Her mother sighed and quietly left the room, leaving her free to finally release a pig-like snort that had been building up for the past minute. Now that she wasn't distracted by the music, the virtual piles of homework on her laptop screen started popping out at her. Late, Late, Missing, 7/15, Late, 10/11, blah blah blah...


She didn't really care anyways. Her motto for academic life was PASS - Proficient, Adequate, Solitude, and Sufficient. She always made sure her grades were barely enough to pass the class. So, not really any accomplishments there. She was essentially a miserable introvert of a loner.

Raising the volume of the radio, she threw her suddenly aching head back onto her chair. As she stared at the bland, off-white ceiling, Katana "Kat" Chira decided that if music was too loud for her mother's tastes, she would simply find a new cathartic practice to engage in. Say, she remembered hacking into a random online diary for fun and reading something about... punching furniture(ex. sofas, beds, etc.)?


1st person POV(KAT)

I, Kat was the sole daughter of doting Japanese immigrants Seiko Mizuki and Inei Chira. Born in Japan, my parents had been childhood sweethearts who moved to the United States of America to gain better job prospects. Damn, they sure had had it easy in terms of romance. I was also the sole sister of Mazoku Chira and Hakuren Chira.

Sighing, I stood up and changed into black spaghetti straps along with some black jeans. I gazed into a mirror. Ruby eyes framed by glinting silver hair stared back at me. Such bright hair really was inconvenient. I usually preferred to dye it black or deep blue, only choosing to keep it silver to celebrate the beginning of summer vacation. Yep, black is a color I appreciate.

It was time to scout for before going to dinner. Mom and the rest were definitely acting super fishy before. So suspicious, in fact, that I decided to go to dinner earlier in order to interrogate them properly. Before I opened the door, I prepared myself by defensively holding a pillow in front of my chest.

Once finished with my preparations, I gingerly flung the door open - for an adorably heartmeltingly cute toddler to throw himself at me.


Abandoning the pillow, I caught and hugged Hakuren, my five year old brother.

Mom had dyed his similarly silver hair black for him, but I could spot some glinting strands peeking out. His eyes were a golden hue instead of ruby like mine, and his chubby, tender face was practically urging people to squish it.

Hakuren actually had an extremely amusing backstory. The reason why he had such a feminine name was because Mom, being her, didn't get an ultrasound and insisted that Hakuren was female based on "Mother's instinct". By the time she found out Hakuren was male, it was too late and his name was already on the birth certificate. Once again, Mom being Mom decided that she would go with Hakuren.

This would be an excellent chance for interrogation. I couldn't resist tugging at his cheeks, though.

"Hakureeeeeeen, SO CUTE!!!"

"...Big sis!"

"Now Hakuren, I know something's up."

"What? H-he, nothing's gonna happen!"

"Don't bull- crap. You're a bad liar."



"Stop fake crying."


I smiled.

Operation Replace Pillow Shield with Hakuren Shield success! With a lighter heart, I padded down the long hallway to eat dinner.

Hello all,

The online diary mentioned does not exist. Please do not punch furniture, it's bad for your hands. If you really need to vent, I suggest screaming into a pillow or acting like a weirdo by flopping your limbs around. Hope the advice helps! >:)

I'm trying out a new style of writing as well! In my other book Lilith's Return the writing style is formal and descriptive. Right now, I'm trying out a casual style! I'd appreciate if you comment or give me feedback on both styles of writing so I can improve. Thanks!

Enjoy the read,

Mnerenuk Water

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