
Chapter 2: She's So Beautiful

Chapter 2: She's So Beautiful

Bulma had suggested this, and Uchiha Hikari had also considered it.

Even the "Four Red Sun Formation," jointly cast by the four Hokage, could be destroyed by the Ten-Tails. The seal on her body was nowhere near that level of strength; at best, it was an enhanced version of the "Four Violet Flames Formation." As long as the magnitude was sufficient, breaking it from the inside was not impossible.

But the problem was...

What to do afterward.

Uchiha Hikari didn't know how deep she had been buried. If the seal were to break, the tons of rocks above could collapse, crushing her into a pulp.

Not every Uchiha could be saved by their grandfather like Kenji was.

**[Bulma]: Hmm... This isn't hard to solve. I can first send a device over to detect the soil environment on your side, and then create a bomb based on the detection results for a targeted explosion. By the way, are you a boy or a girl? Have you really been sealed for over a hundred years? Can humans live that long?**

**[Nameless]: I...**

Uchiha Hikari hesitated for a moment, skipping the topic about her gender.

**[Nameless]: Due to the seal, my bodily functions were halted for a long time, which indirectly extended my lifespan.**

**[Bulma]: That sounds a bit magical. It would be great to study it...**

**[Nameless]: If you can get me out, I can send you some blood samples and information about the sealing technique... Maybe you don't have to wait that long. Would you mind testing the "teleportation" function for me?**

**[Bulma]: Eh?**


In the world of Dragon Ball, West City.

Wearing a set of pajamas, Bulma lay on her bed, doing sit-ups while looking at the chat interface in her mind.

As a genius girl who had been exposed to various high-end technological products since childhood, Bulma was very receptive to new things. She didn't find the idea of a chat group impossible. However, allowing people from different dimensions to communicate was one thing; point-to-point teleportation was another. If even that were possible...

"It's unbelievable, even more difficult than time travel!"


It's worth a try!

Bulma, who dared to venture out alone in search of Dragon Balls, naturally wasn't afraid of meeting an "online friend." She was just a bit curious—

"This 'Nameless' guy, is he a boy? Is he handsome? If he's a prince charming..."

In Bulma's daydreams.

**[Nameless has started a live broadcast]**

**[Nameless requests to enter Bulma's world, accept?**

**[Bulma has started a live broadcast]**

**[Bulma has accepted the request]**

Several lines of text skipped.

In the chat box's upper right corner, two small floating windows appeared. By opening them with a thought, one could see where Uchiha Hikari and Bulma were.

One side was a deep, dark underground, with only a faint light source emanating from the sealing formula, barely illuminating a corner of the coffin.

The other side was a girl's room filled with a technological atmosphere, with blue-haired Bulma standing inside.

The next moment.

Accompanied by a flicker in Uchiha Hikari's live broadcast, she "whooshed" and disappeared from the coffin, leaving behind the layers of sealing formations. Almost simultaneously, Bulma's screen also shook slightly, and another person appeared.

**[Eternal Sister]: !**

If there had been slight doubts during the group chat conversation with Minato Namikaze,

Now, he was completely convinced of the chat group's existence. This ability to teleport to another place instantly without forming hand seals, ignoring seals, was definitely not something an ordinary ninja possessed. Those capable of this were probably beyond human.

"A creation of the gods..."

On the other side.

Bulma widened her eyes in surprise, curiously staring at Uchiha Hikari: "So you're a girl... You look so young!"

"Can I borrow a mirror?"

Because she had just teleported and ended up in a coffin, Uchiha Hikari hadn't seen her full appearance. And the memories left by her predecessor didn't include many scenes of looking in a mirror.

—In the Warring States period of the world of Naruto, mirrors were probably a luxury item. As a "weapon," she naturally didn't have the privilege to use them.

But now...


Uchiha Hikari scooped up a handful of water and splashed it on her face, looking up.

What met her eyes was a delicate and pretty face.

A twelve or thirteen-year-old girl's appearance, with delicate features, long hair like a waterfall, wearing a deep blue dress in the style of the Warring States period. Perhaps because she had been through battles before being sealed, the hem of the dress was torn, revealing a section of ankle shackled, and her bare, slender feet could be held in one hand.

As she walked, the shackles rubbed against the floor, making a series of low, crisp sounds.


Uchiha Hikari slightly closed her eyes, and a few seconds later, reopened them.

As chakra flowed, her pitch-black pupils revealed a crimson three-tomoe, gently rotating like liquid, faintly outlining the shape of a pinwheel, as beautiful as rubies.

"She's so beautiful."

Uchiha Hikari's lips curved slightly, her resentment for being forcibly teleported dissipated a bit.

After all...

Who wouldn't like a Uchiha girl with a clear and handsome appearance, not too old, and possessing a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan? Right.

Uchiha Hikari did have the Mangekyō Sharingan, and her ocular powers were quite strong—due to her unique physique, she had undergone several transplant surgeries during her time being used as a weapon by her clan, thus obtaining several different ocular powers.

One was "Imprint Tsukuyomi," similar to Itachi Uchiha's Tsukuyomi, but it could leave a mark on others, then pull those marked into a genjutsu space regardless of distance.

Another was a plus version of "Amaterasu," more flexible than the standard Amaterasu, somewhat similar to Sasuke's "Enton: Kagutsuchi."

The third was her original awakening, "Eight Thousand Spears," which could extract and manipulate others' chakra and spirit after leaving a mark, or give her own chakra to others.

In theory, Uchiha Hikari's normal combat power was about equal to Itachi Uchiha during the Akatsuki period, and her limit... could mark everyone in the ninja world, then absorb their chakra in one go, becoming a low-tier version of the God Tree, nearly reaching the level of the Six Paths.

—But that's just in theory.

Not to mention the workload of creating so many marks, even if she could do it, her body would hardly bear so much chakra, possibly facing a physical collapse like Might Guy after a brief peak.

In any case.

Uchiha Hikari was quite satisfied with her new body.

It would be better if she were a bit older.

Hmm... meaning a bit older in age, not in any particular body part.

"Are you ready, Hikari?"

Bulma's voice came from outside.


Uchiha Hikari dried her hands and walked out of the bathroom.

Bulma carefully examined her, especially looking at the shackles on her feet: "So... I'll first try to unlock the shackles for you, then do a comprehensive physical examination. We'll talk about making bombs later."

(End of Chapter)

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