
Chapter 29

Luna walks down the stairs and saw her parents waiting. Once her father saw her, his jaw dropped, and almost teared up. on the other hand, Mary looks annoyed. "took you long enough, the limousine is waiting for us outside" Mary said before walking ahead. John assisted Luna by holding her hand as she walks down the stairs. "thanks father" Luna said once she successfully walked down the stairs without tripping. Some maids helped Luna get in the Limousine, John and Mary went in next. "are you excited?" John said, trying to start a small talk while they wait until they arrive at the venue. Luna just looked at him and raised a brow as if she's giving him the "does it look like I'm excited?" look. "answer your father properly young lady" Mary annoyingly said. "watch your tone old lady" Luna mocked. Mary was about to say something back, but Luna beats her to it. "what? Do you dare to fight back? want me to say no to the groom you have picked for me, mother?" she challenges. Mary shuts her mouth and looks away. "that's what I thought" Luna said and looked away as well. "salty much?" Kelly whispered through the earpiece. Luna smiled and did her best not to let out a laugh.

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the venue. A guard opened the car door for them, Luna's parents walked out of the vehicle first and two guards assisted Luna after. As soon as Luna steps out of the vehicle, people started to take photos of her. Camera lights flashing everywhere she looks, annoying her so much. She tries to avoid it by covering her face with her right hand as she walks the pathway that leads to the actual area where her wedding is being held. Once she arrived at the area, one guard approached her. "Madam Luna, do you know those two? They said that they are your friends and have invitation cards although Mr. and Mrs. Crawford don't remember seeing their names on the list of people who are invited" the man explained as he points at Kelly and Adrien sitting on the second row of chairs. "Yes, they're my friends, my old classmates. I'm the one who gave them the invitation card, I just forgot to tell my parents. Why'd you ask?" Luna responded. "ah, I see. I just thought that they're a little suspicious, but now that you explained it, it is clear to me as to why they are here. my apologies for asking, madam" the man said before taking a bow and left. Luna rolled her eyes and was about to look around when Mary walked in front of her. "the groom is waiting. It's time for you to walk down the aisle" Mary explained. Luna nodded and lets Mary walk ahead so she could follow behind.

Like how a traditional wedding goes, the first person who walked down the aisle was Mary, next was the bridesmaids who Luna doesn't even know, followed by the maid-of-honor who, again, Luna doesn't know, proceeded by the flower girls and page boys that Luna thinks are adorable. One of the page boys gave her the bouquet of flowers that Ace ordered for her before walking with the other kids. "I am so sorry, little ones, you will be witnessing a fight at such a young age," Luna thought and pitied the kids. Luna was about to walk next when her father, John, stood next to her and offered his arm for her to hook hers. Luna looked at him for a second before doing so and they walked down the aisle side-by-side. As soon as they started walking, Luna saw Michael next to the priest near the altar. Michael smiled at her fondly, but she refuses to smile back. "smile back, people are looking at you" John whispered as they come near the altar. "no" Luna whispered back and keeps a straight face as she lets go of her father's arm. Luna slowly walks towards the priest and in front of Michael. She then lifts her head up and looks at Michael with a straight face. "Hello my dear" Michael greeted. "hello, Michael" Luna greeted back, still with a straight face.

"Michael, do you take Luna as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the priest stated. "I do" Michael answered almost immediately. "Luna, do you take Michael as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the priest repeated. Luna just raised an eyebrow at Michael before making eye-contact with Kelly. Kelly got the message and nudged Adrien. "go for it" Kelly whispered to him. Luna looked back at Michael and smirked. "no" she sternly said. As soon as Luna spoke, Adrien shot Mary's ankle and Kelly shot John's. some of the guests started to scream and run and some took out their guns and pointed it at Adrien and Kelly. Michael then looked at Luna's parents who are now on the ground, groaning in pain. Luna took this opportunity to punch Michael in the face, making him fall on the ground as well.

Adrien and Kelly started shooting people who were rushing towards them while the back-ups attack the guards. Luna pulled the ribbon and her wedding dress fell on the ground, revealing a stunning jumpsuit that Mrs. Belen made for her. she then pulled out both of her guns and shot Michael on both of his ankles, making him yell in pain as he stays on the ground. "Don't kill them. shoot them on their ankles so that they won't be able to stand" Luna said as she rushes towards them. Adrien and Kelly nodded and did what Luna said. "wait, where's Ace?" Luna suddenly asked. "I'm with the other agents. We're taking care of your parents" Ace answered through the earpiece. Luna looked at where her parents were and saw Ace with 3 agents, hand-cuffing her parents. She then looked at where she left Michael, but he was no longer there. "where's Michael?" Luna asked. She was about to turn to Adrien and Kelly when someone suddenly kicked her ankle, hard enough for her to fall on the ground and let go of one of her guns. Luna groaned and was about to stand up when Michael hovered over her and wrapped his hands around her neck, strangling her. "if I can't have what I want, neither will you" Michael said. Kelly noticed Michael strangling Luna and aimed her gun towards Michael when someone suddenly aggressively wrapped their arms around her. Kelly groaned and tried to escape but the person was too strong for her. Adrien noticed that Kelly and Luna are no longer by his side. When no one was no longer rushing towards him, he looked around and saw Luna being strangled and Kelly trying to escape an agent's grip. He was about to help Luna first, but Luna saw him rushing towards her and shook her head. Luna pointed at Kelly, signaling Adrien to help Kelly first before helping her. "fine" Adrien said as he rolled his eyes and rushed towards Kelly. Luna was already gasping for air as Michael laughed at her. "How does it feel now that you're the one with no control, huh?" Michael teased. Luna was already turning purple and she's almost giving up when she suddenly noticed Michael's ankle that she shot earlier. "Idiot, why didn't I think of this earlier," she thought before using all her strength to hit Michael's ankle, making him let go of her neck and fall on her. Luna saw her gun right next to her and grabbed it. she shot Michael on his thigh to make sure he couldn't get up. She then tried to push him off her, but she couldn't. Luna yelled in frustration, getting Adrien, and Kelly's attention. Luckily, Adrien knocked out the guy that was holding Kelly, once they heard Luna yell, they rushed towards her and Adrien pushed Michael off her. Kelly helped Luna to sit up while Adrien pinned Michael on the ground and kept punching him in the face. "you. Son. Of. A. bitch!" Adrien yelled. Luna, on the other hand, was breathless and was gasping for air. She then turned her head to Adrien and saw that he was still beating the life out of Michael. "Adrien!" Luna yelled between her gasps. Adrien looked at her and stopped what he was doing. "Stop" Luna softly said for she couldn't speak properly anymore. "you're lucky she wants you alive," Adrien told Michael before standing up and making him stand up so he can cuff him. "can you stand up?" Kelly asked Luna. Luna shakes her head. "go help the others" she said breathlessly, with her voice cracking up and waving her hand, signaling Kelly to go, making Kelly nod and stand up to do what she's told. Luna looks at her surrounding as she still catches her breath. "Let the others and Kelly clean this up and let me help you get in the car. I'll take you to the headquarters' clinic" Adrien said as he offers his hand to Luna. Luna held his hand and tried to stand up, but then again, she couldn't and just groaned in pain. Adrien then saw her right thigh bleeding. "someone must have shot you while you were busy shooting the others" he said as he lets go of her hand, takes out a handkerchief from his pocket, and wraps her wound to lessen her bleeding. He then carried her bridal style and started walking. "how did you not feel the shot on your thigh?" Adrien asked teasingly as he walks towards his car. Luna stayed quiet and just dug her face into the crook of his neck. Adrien heaved a long sigh. "I'll get you patched up. Just hang in there" he said softly.

After some time, Adrien has arrived at the headquarters and immediately rushed Luna to the clinic. Ace and the rest of the agents arrived at the headquarters as well and placed all their criminals behind their bars.

"so, Michael. Why do you want to marry a woman with a wealthy background?" Ace asked Michael as he stands behind bars. Michael laughs hysterically before answering. "Luna's parents owe my dead father billions of dollars but unfortunately, they couldn't pay him. Instead, they made a deal. When I was just a little toddler, Luna's mother agreed with my parents that by the time Luna turns 23, I will marry her and be her husband for the rest of my life as a repay for their dept" he said with a big smirk on his face. "too bad for you then" Ace teased. "too bad? Too bad?! Oh no. you don't know what's coming. You have no idea!" Michael yelled before laughing hysterically again. Ace looks at him suspiciously and whispers to the guards to keep an eye on him before leaving to check on Luna.

Ace walks into the clinic and saw Kelly and Adrien standing next to Luna's bed as she sleeps peacefully. "what's her status?" Ace asked. "she was shot on her thigh, but the doctor stitched it up immediately. She has a few scars and bruises which the doctor put some cream on. Her neck and throat are fine despite the strangling. The doctor said she just needs to rest in here for a few days or until her stitches are healed" Kelly explained, making Ace nod. "what about our criminals?" Adrien asked. "they're all locked up. I talked to Michael and he's acting crazy but suspicious at the same time, better be cautious, who knows how many people Michael knows" Ace said. Kelly and Ace sighed. "when will this war end" Adrien said. "yeah. Luna has had enough of drama" Kelly added. "sad to say but as long as all of us are living, most of all Luna, there will be war, unless we are able to be ready, cautious and beat them all until there is no one who can run towards us anymore" Ace explained

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