

Mina a teenager, struggles with her love life. As she becomes friends with her ex-lover things get complicated. But it's all in the past right?

mina_8488 · Teen
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10 Chs


"Ahhhh I'm so bored. Oh, where is that video I saved?" I said to myself. As I opened my gallery and was about to click "downloads" I saw the album. The one I wished I didn't have to look at but couldn't bring myself to delete. All the memories with him...caught in pictures stuck on my phone. As I smiled and went through them I suddenly came across the screenshots....the screenshots of the fight...as all the bad memories came rushing in like a flood. When you lose someone and you think of them only the good times that you spent with them come to your head. You only remember their good side. But there's a reason why you lost them.....


"DID YOU SEE THE POST IN OUR SCHOOL GROUP?" Sara said franticly. As I opened my social media I saw it.



"I'm sure you are all wondering who was caught in Mina's trap. It was none other than our beloved Jackson!!! I wonder what Mina did to make him like her. Maybe she blackmailed him there's no way he would like her. Even if it was true she is such a possessive bitch so it makes sense why they broke up. Now this answers our question as to why they have been avoiding each other. I'm sure once Jackson got to know what she was really like he would want to run away. Who wouldn't? I'll keep you updated on how pathetic she is."

My eyes widened as I read it over and over again. "Mina it won't change no matter how long you stare at it," Zee said. "I feel so bad for you. Whoever that pathetic asshole was I'll kill them for you." Anna said. "Yo isn't that the girl in the post?" A girl murmured. "Yea I take chemistry with her. If I'd known she was such a bitch I wouldn't have even talked to her." A guy replied. "How about I show you how much of a bitch I can be?" Niki said getting up. "It's ok Niki I can deal with these few comments they are nothing compared to the stares and dirty looks I got all morning." As I was sitting in class I was thinking about who it could be. I stared at Jackson. No, it couldn't be him. He wanted to keep our relationship a secret besides, I'm pretty sure he also got some hate from the post. Could it be Melissa? Melissa has hated me ever since I joined the school. She's obsessed with me and envy's me like crazy. No, she wouldn't have found out about it. "Mina? Are you paying attention?" my teacher said. "Yes ma'am."

I will probably post chapter 3 later today or tomorrow. Hope you are enjoying it so far! Please let me know what you think in the comments and reviews <3

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