
"Travelling Into New World"

She puts her bag on the ground with a deep sigh..

Finally.....she said in a excitement when,

someone tap her shoulder with that she came back to her senses.

Ohh~Uncle Yang (She greeted him)

[Uncle Yang is a manager in her father's

"Textile Company" but 6 years back when he passed away in a accident the company bank-rupts. Uncle Yang then move SK from China because of some reasons and with his hard work he now work in a famous textile company on the post of CEO.]

Welcome to SK, Miss: Jennie.

(Uncle Yang said with a wide smile)

Ohh~Uncle Yang why are you still like this?

How many times I have told you not to call me Miss Jennie. You are family so, just call me "Jin".

Uncle Yang: "Okay Miss Jin" we have to go now, and from now on you are going to stay at my house. Also, we have my wife Mrs. Lin Yang and my little son Xiao Yang at home.

She nodded and with that they leave the

airport. Jennie is very curious about this

new country and job but as she start walking out of the airport she notice something- "Weird, Vey Weird"...

She stop for a moment and "put her right palm on her heart, it was beating very fast and filled with many emotions....."

Miss Jin are you okay...?

Miss Jin... (Mr. Yang said worriedly)

Jennie: Ye..yeah.

(But she knows something is not okay)

After 15 minutes of driving finally they reach to their destination. Jennie came out with excitement, huge smile on her face and sparkle in her eyes.

Uncle Yang, Is This Your House...?

Yes. (he replied)

"Wow" It's Beautiful..

Thank You Miss. Let's get inside.

This house was very beautiful from outside as well as inside. When they went inside the living room she saw a beautiful women, who was wearing a long yellow and white dress came in front of her and greeted her with a

wide smile.

Hello~Miss Jennie. I am Lin Yang but you can call me aunt if you want.

Hello~Mrs. Yang nice to meet you and you can also call me Jin.

(Mr. Yang left out a chuckle)

Dear, Jin is tired please take her to her room.

Mrs. Yang nodded and start walking upstairs Jin follow her from the back.

Mrs. Yang stop in front of the room which is on the left corner of the stairs.

"Jin this is your room, dear call me if you want anything with that she left"

"In reply"~ Jin smile gently and nodded.

As she entered in a room her eyes widened because her father's picture was hanging on the wall. Tears rolled down to her cheeks as she walking to the picture, her heart filled with many emotions and she start crying very hard, when someone knock her door but she couldn't replied and cried hard her heart out loud until the person came near to her and

gave her a tight hug.

What's Wrong Dear..? Are You Okay...??

(Mrs. Yang said while caressing her back)

Jennie struggle a little to speak... I..I am okay.

Mrs. Yang wipe her tears and said....

" Your father always wanted you to be strong and successful in life. He wanted you to come to this city after completing your graduation in 'Fashion Designing' and work with your uncle.

He already plans everything for you.."

Jennie : bu..but this painting..why it's here?

Mrs. Yang reply with an "Oh" this.. this picture will remind you to always stay strong. Now get up and come for the lunch.

Jennie then stood up and clean her face before going downstairs.

Come Jin take a seat Mrs. Yang said pointing one finger at chair.

Jin follow and sit down where she's pointing.

So, Jin as you going to stay with us from now... you have to come with me for grocery shopping.

Jin reply with a nod. "Off course Mrs. Yang I will and can I call you aunty?"

Mrs. Yang : (with a warm smile) Off course, my dear.

"I think my weight will gonna increase because you make such a delicious food I can't remember when the last time had such delicious food."


Ohh dear thank you so much Mrs. Yang said while putting another piece of meet in Jin's plate.

After finishing lunch they both went to nearby grocery store for shopping.

Jennie was very happy and excited because everything is new for her.

New Country, New People, New Experiences and....

A New Start.

After her father died she become very lonely in her home, she cut off herself from outer world, she did not talk to anyone but after some time she decided to move in hostel, where she did a one thing only....


but now she's free from everything. Now she can work for herself, she's going to live a life of her dreams and her only dream was...

" Living A Happy Life"

She was lost in her own world when someone tapped her shoulder.

"Jin Are You Okay..?"

Jin Came Back To Her Senses Again. .

Yes. (she said)

"Dear, I'm done with shopping. Do you want something? Come on feel free to take anything you want."

Jin : Ohh Thank You Aunty, but I don't want anything.

Then they leave for the house but as they cross the road...Jin again feel her heart beating very fast. She again put her palm on heart and thinking about what's going on...

when she bumped into someone which make both of them fall on the ground.

Oouchh~ Jennie said in pain.

(The person with whom she had collided got up immediately)

Are You Blind? I'm "5 feet 10 inches" tall am I short for you??

(At first she was thinking about saying sorry but after hearing those words she got angry)

Excuse me, she said angrily..

I want to ask you the same...before she could say anything else Mrs. Yang stopped her. She bowed in front of that man and said sorry to him. Jennie remains silent until she returns home there are many questions in her head.

Mrs. Yang knows that something is not okay with jennie. She ask her..

Jin, Are You Okay? It seems like

something is not okay with you. (she said in a worried tone)

Jin shook her head.

"No aunty everything Is alright. I'm just tired I need to take rest."

Okay Dear, also from tomorrow you have to join your uncle's company so Take care.

Jin nodded before went to upstairs.

She was really tired.

After coming back to the room she slammed herself on the bed and slept in a deep sleep.

Next chapter