
Begining of a new journey

Why was not naruto chosen ? I asked in surprise.

Toad immortal : I had a dream that naruto will guide a child who will get another key to go to soul continent.

So , he may not be chosen now most probably.

Madara said , I feel like my body have become heavier now.

I also feel little heavier now .Do you also feel heavier ? I looked towards Hasirama and Minato.

They nooded.

This is because you can't stay here any longer. The space here won't be able to support your aura.

You have at least 3 days at most . You have to leave here using your mark after that.

Don't worry about here . If you want I can make a real clone of your body with your will in it.

I can also make a soul clone if you want to send it to spirit world.

I made a real clone.

Madara , Minato and Hasirama made soul clone with the help of Hogoromo.

Since you all know sage mode , These clones will not die but regenerate slowly in nature itself.

Hogoromo made hand seals and the frozen time stared again.

Next naruto and I undo the reanimation Jutsu .

All the people woke up from illusion .

Everyone was happy .

In this war Obito didn't die . He still had a Sharingan and Kakashi has one.

But Konoha will not accept a criminal like Obito and me .

So I took Obito to shadow League. My clone will be the leader and orichimaru and Obito will be vice leaders.

With Obito Shadow League is safe .

I have made all the preparations.

I am ready to leave now.

Next day,

Suddenly , Hogoromo took me in a space. Hasirama , minato and Madara were already there.

Hogoromo revived Hasirama and Minato using rinne rebirth.

He looks pale.

Listen carefully, Don't risk your life too much. Rinne rebirth is at best a healing technique there. So once you die , you die forever.

We all nooded . Everyone was determined to go to soul continent.

Open your spirit marks and close your eyes.

We followed his instructions.

There was purple energy around us .

We were enclosed in it unable to see anything outside.

After a moment , we were brought in front of a blue pillar .

There were instructions written in the pillar.

Put your hand in the pillar.

If you are in a group , place hand


The pillar will give you your strength


According to your strength , you will be

teleported into the area of spirit

beasts which are equal to your strength.

Note : Increase your strength up to level 11 spirit beast there. Then you will be teleport randomly in settlement area.

We read the instructions carefully.

Madara : put hands together with me.

We all nooded.

After we put our hands on the pillar..

Ding.. Ding....

Divine weapon: Death Blood Sword ( medium)

Level of weapon : 4 ( medium)

Type : Growth type( rare)

Features : can suck blood of the tailed

beast .

Strengthen the user with blood

essence once a month.

Overall team strength : equivalent to level 9 spirit beast. ( Too weak)

You will be teleported in the area of level 9 spirit beast .

Soon we were sucked in the pillar.

We fall from the sky ...

Madara used perfect Susano and took us in.

We looked down , the senerio was frightening. There were thousands of level 9 spirit beast there mainly in a group.

We landed on a open area.

As soon as we landed Many of those beasts run towards us . They probably can sense us.

Hide your aura using sage mode , I said.

We quickly applied sage mode and hide our aura . we quickly hide behind a Large tree.

It's very dangerous here .

You are right Hasirama. Wait a minute I will use a Limbo clone , to check out their strength first.

Those beasts can't sense limbo clone.

Limbo clone kicked a rabbit like beast .

The rabbit like beast looks around but found nothing and begin to rest again.

Soon Limbo clone came back. It looks like these beasts are stronger than 9 tails of Earth. Madara said.

Let's use sage mode , and fight them in small group.

Good Idea, Sasuke.

Everyone , let's make a proper plan first.

Minato suggested.

That's right , I said.

I have a plan . I said.

I have Sharingan and Madara seems to have awakened rinne Sharingan earlier with Indara's chakara.

Let's control them , and lure them here then we will kill them at once.

Good idea..

We were ready.

After 1 hour I and Madara cautiously reached near the group of a rabbit.

We directly controlled them with our eyes.

We lured them near our camp . Hasirama and Minato were in ready position.


Hasirama used wood Dragon an I and Madara used Susano. Minato was ready to teleport us in danger .

Boom ..!! The rabbit group woke up from illusion due to severe pain . But they were only slightly injured .

Soon they begin to madly attack us with beast bombs.

Minato will teleport their attacks and protect us.

We were surprised ...

Damn.. Our attacks are useless. Madara said heavily.

I was also surprised to see such a situation. What is lacking in our strength..? Spirit mark....

Yes , Spirit mark...!!

Everyone , use your spirit mark..!!

Everyone nooded . Suddenly our Strength snored. We can easily cut blood mark on the rabbits now.

Deep forest emergence..!!

All the rabbits were quickly binded by the vines .

I and Madara used Susano to chop up their head . Wood dragon was also killing many rabbits.

Minato can teleport their attacks on their own body .

Soon, we killed nearly 12 rabbits which were powerful than Kurama.

The blood was being sucked in our marks.

Hahhh.. this is the feeling I want to have a long time ago. Madara laughed madly.

It's been quite a while since we last fight together. Isn't it Hasirama..??

Absolutely , Madara. Hahhh....! Hahaha...!!

Two laughs echoed in the forest...

Minato and I were looking making a forced smile.. Hee...!

Speaking of which , it's very good feeling to have a powerful group with a same adventurous spirit as me . Hee .. !

Speaking of which , Minato didn't looked enthusiastic in naruto.

Mr. Minato can I ask you something?

Are you happy coming here ? I mean , Don't you worry about your family ?

Hahhh..! Actually , I was previously worried about naruto. Now that naruto have been doing great. I don't have anything in my heart . Besides , soul clone is also with Kusina in spirit world.

So , I am the most happy and free person right now.

I love this feeling..!

Minato is really a good person. Hee...!

We slept under the tree. ..

Madara and Hasirama were talking and laughing all night.

Next chapter