1 "Where it'll end."

Hi Hi!

I'm Sushi and this is my first time writing a one-shot story. I would love to write a part two, but I wanna see if people will enjoy reading this one-shot first. I would also love to know how this story made you feel afterward. Anyways! Please enjoy my story!




|Warning. This story mentions Suicide and Language are not suitable for some people.|




"I can't do it anymore, I'm done." A girl said quietly, standing on the edge of a rocky cliff. The oceans waves pushed themselves against one another, trying to reach the girl.

"I've suffered long enough and now I'm at my limit. Please don't try to stop. I-I just can't do it anymore, Ya know?" Her voice began to break. The wind suddenly took a deep breath, pushing the girl away from her doom once she turned towards the boy who was standing beside her with his head hanging low. He didn't wanna look at her. The damage, bruises, blood, and bandages covering almost all of her face.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault that this happened." The boy told her as his eye watered. Tears forming and slowly falling near his feet. He was also damaged, but much worse. His left arm, right eye, and right kidney were taken from him. He could barely breathe at times, but it didn't matter. He didn't want to breathe anymore.

The girl and boy both craved death. They both wanted to end it all. This world is too fucked up for them to live in. Everyone is dangerous, evil, and utterly cruel towards the two.

"Don't be sorry, you did your best without even realizing it. I would've lost an eye, arm, or even a leg if you didn't save me-"

"B-B-But it's still my fault!-" The boy cried.

"It's not." The girl said. She looked down upon the boy, smiling. She placed both her hands on his face, lifting his damaged face to look at her. As he saw her smile, more and more tears ran down his eye. The girl did her absolute best to wipe them away, but her hands were trembling. Seeing him cry made her want to cry as well. She didn't though, cause she had to be strong. She had to be strong for him since he made such a sacrifice to her.

"Hey." The girl said quietly.

"Wh-What is it?" The boy replied.

"Let's jump." She told him in delight. Her hand wrapped around his, she glanced below, seeing if the fall could kill them. It could. There weren't any sharp rocks to kill them immediately, just water. It was enough though. The boy wrapped himself around the girl's arm, smiling slightly.

"Let's jump. Let's do it." The boy said excitedly. He wiped away his tears and smiled. This was going to be their way of saying, "Fuck you" to the world.

"But before we jump, l-lets k-k-kiss!" The boy blurted with a stutter. His dark skin heating up, a dark red appeared on his cheeks. It was quite visible.

The girl, surprised, nodded her head at the boy, her pale skin lighting up a pink shade. She twirled her fingers throughout her blonde, messy pigtails.

"R-Right now?" The girl asked nervously.

"Y-Y-Yes." The boy replied.

They both were flustered.

They both stood there, staring at one another with innocent intentions.

"C-Close your eyes." The boy said to the girl.

"O-Okay." The girl responded, closing her eyes with her hands out, ready to embrace him. She was still at the edge, backwards.

The boy looked up at the sky. The colors were a- purple- maybe pinkish light of color. The wind pushed against them, their clothes and hair breezing through like leaves.

"Iris. I love you." The boy said quietly as a tear ran down his face.

He threw himself onto Iris, pushing them both off the cliff. His lips against hers as they tightly embraced the other. Tears forming from both their eyes while they fell. They knew that this was the end, but they didn't care. This was perfect for them. Their happy ending that they wholeheartedly deserved.

Once their bodies splashed inside the water they pulled away, smiling happily at each other.

They embraced each other once more, their lips touching as they fell deeper and deeper inside of their happily ever after.

This was their promise.

They promised they would always be there for each other.

Always and forever.
