
" Our Cursed Fate"

WARNING : MATURE CONTENTS !!!! NOTE : This is the first addition of "FATE" Series. There will be other books adapting the characters from here in the near future. ~~~~ Our Cursed Fate ~~~~~{Book 1} ( Falling in love was our cursed fate) [NOVEL FEATURES MATURE CONTENTS] Let's roam around into the parallel world of modern vampires and werewolves where they were living peacefully maintaining their own rules and regulations decided by the both mighty kings from two clans. But the cold war between werewolves and vampires still existed silently. What if a forbidden desire arouses from two different creatures? But their reunion will only shatter the peace between two clans.. Lilianah Winston, the most beautiful, childish, reckless, precious princess of the werewolf's clan who had always a crush on the dashing, cold blooded, handsome hunk Vampire Crown Prince Eric Salazar since her childhood!! Growing up into an young beautiful lady, she couldn't control herself from falling for this vampire prince more and more. Even getting all the harsh warnings from her sorrounding people, she couldn't stop herself to chase the man she desires, treasures always.. Indeed Love is too blind to follow any damn logic. But how is it possible?? Being born as each others sworn enemy, will it be possible ever to love each others wholeheartedly? Once someone said that "Beauty is poison" even this goes same to Lilianah.Being an undeniable beauty she is still unknown about the mysteries,dark sides of her own life. What will happen when their dark secrets will come out in front of each others leading to a disaster? Can love overcome the hate & revenge? Will Lilianah and Eric ever be together or the blame on their cursed fate for being born in enemies clan will remain forever?? Was it really their cursed fate to fall in love?? Find out the forbidden love story... {Note: Book isn't entirely edited. Only few chapters have been edited and will upload the edited version soon. Current editor and proofreader @Aurora Hiya} * * * Cover image credit goes to the original artist or owner.It was taken from Google. Cover is edited by @Ghayyoor Ahmad. * * * ********** Instagram : anamika_author Discord : Anamika_ana #5922 mail : suhanikaanamika@gmail.com

Anamika_Ana ยท Fantasy
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158 Chs


~ ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—บ๐—ฒ ๐—ฆ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ข๐—ณ ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ~

[ ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐˜ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜๐˜€ ๐˜„๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—ถ๐˜ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜๐˜€ ๐—•๐˜† ๐—ฆ๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ฎ ๐—š๐—ผ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐˜‡ ]

Forget about Royal Mother!!

Sia only felt dumbfounded, speechless at that time when she saw the two almost snatching the cup from back to forth, forth to back on the hard table as no one wanted to admit defeat and neither of them wanted to give up.

Sia felt lost in her thoughts and suddenly screamed from the top of her lungs,

" Stop it..!!! Both of you!!! "

The two stopped for a moment before turning back to face her puzzled gaze, frowned eyebrows.

She finally asked looking at them confusedly,

" What are you guys doing?? "

Jack pointed his finger towards the other man as he groaned,

" He was trying to drink juice from your glass.."

Hearing him, she turned her gaze to Ellis.. He replied confidently as he was already accustomed to it,

" Sia, don't believe him.I.. I just forgot the glass and mistakingly tried to take yours.."

Sia found nothing wrong on his expression as she understood normally. Hearing him lie confidently, Jack was furious and spoke gnashing his sharp teeth,

" I saw with my own eyes that he deliberately took your glass.. He.. he.. is definitely upto something.. Maybe he is trying to pursue you.. Don't you dare to dream of this fairy tale, Sia.As a werewolf, you can never take a fancy on vampire.. "

As his words left, Sia felt really angry hearing his fantasy.Glaring him intensely, she started scolding him in front of Ellis,

" Jack Miller!!

Don't you think that you're thinking too far.. You already know that Ellis and I are friend. Why do you have to irritate me over this simple matter or you're too fond of embarrassing me in front of others?? Huh!? "

Jack felt more anger burning inside him as he thought to himself..

Can't she be so dumb??

Can't she realize the change on Ellis's behavior??

For god sake, he was watching her intensly as if he was seeing his long lost lover..

Just then the castle door cracked open and the sound of horses stepping in..

Sia's heart sank as she turned back to the entrance trembling. Even Jack felt nervous as he was also involved in this crime. Ellis felt curious as he looked up to see the entrance..

Turning back her eyes towards a certain spot, Sia spit it out in a low voice,

" Princess!!!!! "

The arrival of Royal Mother was really exaggerating as the guards went on to take her down from the horsecar and all the guards present there kept their heads down..

Sia felt nervous from every core of her body as she gave an apologize look to Ellis and grabbed Jack's arm to drag him further away..

Her breath became abnormal as she spoke quickly,

" Damn it!!

Aren't Royal Mother supposed to come in late??

What.. what should we do now??

If Ellis opens his mouth, we will all be dead meat.. "

Even Jack could feel the severe punishment of being caught.. As he quickly rearranged something inside his mind and spoke assuringly,

" Let me handle this. I assume that Royal Mother won't come this way now.But you just have to make shut that damn prince up.. "

Sia waved her hurriedly and replied back,

" Never mind. I can handle this.. Hurry up and stop Royal Mother there.."

Jack nodded, put back his loyal servant mood and walked towards the horsecar hurriedly..

Very soon, an elegant lady in her white expensive cloak stepped out from the horsecar and made a gesture indicating to lift everyone's head up..Jack bowed down his puzzled head politely before guiding her towards the entrance.

Her pace was gentle but also powerful. With her head high, she walked towards the castle through the row of guards. Momentarily paused as she turned her gaze towards the meeting spot inside the garden..

On the other side, Sia kept Ellis busy forcefully smiling and chatting while her back was already covering in sweat.. Even she couldn't warn princess calling her loudly but prayed silently that Lilianah didn't come here as this spot was visuable from the way towards the entrance..

As for where Lilianah and Eric was, it was a little far way from the meeting spot and could only be seen if anyone walk inside the garden further. Especially the various colorful trees covered the vision of the whole pool only leaving a little space to see through.

Royal Mother asked frowning,

" Who's the boy over there, Jack??? "

Jack felt his goosebumps suddenly aroused as he replied forcefully smiling,

" That. That boy is Sia's friend from north city. He came here to give her some important news about her parents. That's it.."

Royal Mother nodded silently but still having some thoughts in her mind as she started walking towards them..

Jack froze but still didn't dare to stop her..!!

Watching Royal Mother walking towards them, Sia felt her own nails digging inside her skin in fear as she just spoke Ellis,

" Keep your mouth shut for ten minutes

please. "

Ellis was stunned for a moment and was about to ask why but stopped by a gentle but powerful voice,

" Who is it, Sia?? "

Sia got up instantly and replied sobbing inside badly,

" Royal Mother.. That's my friend.."

Ellis was stupefied but still obeyed Sia's words and gently greeted Royal Mother..

Royal Mother smiled back at him in a friendly manner and spoke to Sia,

" Sia, tell your friend to join us in dinner.."

As she spoke, her eyes somehow saw two figure over the pool vaguely and unsurely because of the shadows from long big trees.

She spoke,

" Is there anyone else over the pool?? "

Sia blurted out immediately, " No!!! "

This made Royal Mother a little suspicious as she spoke making her way towards the pool,

" But I saw something.. Let me take a look over there.. "

Over the lotus filled pool, even the darkness couldn't hide her terrified face when she heard the horses stepping in.

Eric briefly didn't understand what made her so in fear and then Lilianah suggested quickly,

" Crown prince, let's walk forward.. There are more fantastic spots to visit onwards.. Let me show you.. "

She walked forward but Eric stopped her immediately asking in confusion,

" I don't want to walk now. I'm quite enjoying myself here."

Lilianah cursed him several times. Indeed even without having any knowledge about the situation, this man will still oppose her every time.. Perhaps he had taken a death vow to oppose her decisions.

She really had no idea about her mother's walking towards them but that only thought she had in her mind that they should hide until her mother went inside their castle...

Having no patience to argue with Eric, she placed her palm over his lips to prevent him from talking like a professional kidnapper and one hard push, he pressed him against the garden's parapet hiding themselves behind an old thick tree..

Eric "..... "

What the fuck is this girl doing??

Pressing me again like a hooligan??

He was really dumbfounded and amused at the same time watching heracting still so bravely inside her Royal Castle..

He insisted to speak but the more he tried to move away her palm, the more hard it pressed on his hot lips..

Lilianah hissed and spoke pitiful,

" Please don't speak.. I have no other intention this time.I know you hate me and wants me getting scolded from everyone..

But can you cooperate with me this time only?

Please let's hide here for a while and I swear that I won't do anything to you here.. "

This spot was really very dark. Only the ray of moonlight came across throughthe leaves lightly and covered her gentle but beautiful face. Her terrified face and pleading voice were just simply tempting him slowly..

Once someone said that a girl's pleading voice only turn on the hidden beast of a man.Especially when her drawn eyes gazed on him, her lips pouted and spoke of doing nothing but his random mind imagined something else and shuddered in those thoughts...

" I really saw two shadows here.. ", there came a suspected voice over the pool.