

I carry in my arms the still sleeping baby and I silently observed this man in front of me while I am carefully following behind him,this six footer man ,with black hair, that somehow I feel like I want to touch ",hey what I am thinking...?it is a bad idea ".I scolded myself.

He has a bright and most expressive beautiful blue eyes ,a slight cleft chin and a perfectly carved face that every girl and even the non-religious ladies that can see him will voluntarilly utter "JESUS CHRIST ! ",

He has a broad shoulder ,and rippling biceps and muscles that his white T-shirt failed to hide with a firm and bulky buttocks covered by his blue faded jeans,his overall looks are like a mighty cowboy or a high ranking militar.

His looks makes me secretly drool, f*** I haven't known I am this pervert.

Although he is acting arrogant it makes me confused of my self because I don't feel scared facing this man ,instead I felt so secure near him,this feeling I felt is as if I've been with this man before.

Luckily he carry the bag that consists the baby's necessities and guide us inside the backseat of the car and I was surprised that it takes only five minutes to arrive at his Villa.

His stunning and majestic looking Villa was located at the very heart of the ranch.

The moment the car enter the gate with a huge bold VILLA BEZOS letter written on it ,I felt the sense of familiarity at this place,I felt as if I've been here before, it feels odd.The whole sorrounding of the Villa is a very beautiful flower garden ,where you can see a very maintained and well arranged flower in all colors ,sizes and kinds.

I also spotted a beautiful fountain with a Statue of three family elephants on top of it that looks as if spurting water all around using their trunks.

While inside the car,I also spotted an infinity pool with a statue of several pink flamingos all around and the gorgeous look of the river nearby. This whole place is so WOW ! I don't have a word to describe it .I am already speechless.

"This whole place ,this is my dream house ,I desiged it inside my mind,what a coincidence." I mutter to myself.

When the car enter the garage at the side of the Villa ,the man in front of me alighted from the car and help us get out from the car,and we were greeted by the three polite plump middle aged ladies dress in maids uniform, they look like three fairies from the fairytail story of Sleeping beauty ,they are so welcoming. I like them.

They automatically reach and carry my bag and start to attend to our needs like a mother hens,until we enter the very beautiful Villa ,they work so fast that in just a minute ,I am already sitting comfortably at the sofa,with the already awake baby at my lap ,silently observing the people around us.

And in front of us a different variety of snacks and fruits and tea are already served.

"Finn ,the dinner will be ready at about thirty minutes !", the maid in red uniform said .

" Ok thank you ,Auntie Gina,and please add to the menu the roast chicken with mushrooms, assorted greens and lemon."Finn's reply.

Auntie Gina just nodded her head although she is confused because this is the first time he requested or ordered this kind of food,its been six years since she last cooked this kind of meal.Her confusions stop when she heared Finn talked again.

"And by the way this is...? " ,with a furrowed eyebrows ,Finn stopped for awhile and he realized he hadn't asked for my name yet.

"Monica,I am Monica Canela."my quick response,looking at Aunte Gina with a smile,and auntie Gina smiled back at me and I noticed ever since we came out from the car she is so curious and so eager to know why I am here and with a baby? based on the way she stare at us.

But she didn't voice it out, instead... "Finn, excuse me first I need to prepare dinner first." she politely asked and go straight to the kitchen.

"Auntie Grace and Auntie Mae,this is Monica." Finn introduced me to the other two nice looking plump maids,standing at the background.

And Finn calmly added , "Please bring her at the guest room in front of my room and help her take care of my baby,from now on they will live here."

His command obviously surprised not only the two maids but also me.He didn't even consult me and yet he is announcing I am going to live here from now on ,for sure?..but before I can answer and make a protest . That impossible man are already inside the elevator probably going to his room .

"May I ?." Auntie Grace and Auntie Mae ask in unison with a big smile ,with both their hands reaching for the baby.

I momentarily forgot that elevator man, and happily face the two aunties. "Of course,but let us ask this little handsome to choose his lady ".

And little Hunter smiled and reached his hand out to Auntie Mae as if he already understand what we are talking about,while Auntie Grace pouted her lips and started her fake cry while saying...

" Ok I will forgive you for now but I have to kiss you first." auntie Gina's kisses on Hunter's neck make Hunter giggle uncontrollably that makes us all laugh.

But my laughter died abruptly as soon as I felt the hair at the back of my neck are all rised up, "I am having goosebumps? ,but why ", I asked in my mind,as I turned around ...

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