The story follows a young girl named Cat and her family as they move to a new town. Cat's younger sister, Maya, has cystic fibrosis, and the family hopes the new environment will be better for her. Cat struggles to fit in and comes to terms with her sister's illness while encountering ghosts from the town's past.
In 'Ghosts', the protagonist and her family move to a new place where they face various difficulties related to her sister's health. Along the way, they encounter mysterious ghosts that play a significant role in their journey. It's a story that combines real-life struggles with elements of fantasy in a captivating way.
It's definitely realistic fiction. The book portrays characters and their experiences in a way that reflects the complexity and challenges of real life, rather than the imaginative elements typical of fantasy.
The story of 'Ghosts' follows a young girl and her family as they deal with the presence of ghosts in their new town. It's a touching tale that explores themes of family, friendship, and facing fears.
In fact, 'Sisters' is a true story. Raina Telgemeier often draws inspiration from her real life for her works, and this one is no exception. It gives an authentic and heartfelt account of sibling relationships.
Yes, 'Sisters' by Raina Telgemeier is based on her own life experiences and can be considered a true story with some fictional elements for artistic expression.