Well, in fanfiction about Saiki Kusuo and Teruhashi, often their relationship is explored in really interesting ways. Sometimes it shows Teruhashi's attempts to get closer to Saiki in a more comical way compared to the original series. And Saiki, with his unique powers, might react in different and unexpected manners.
In the manga, Saiki doesn't have a romantic ending with Teruhashi. The focus is more on Saiki's supernatural powers and the humorous situations he gets into rather than a traditional romance.
One popular theme is the 'unlikely couple' aspect. Given Saiki's introverted nature and Teruhashi's popularity, the idea of them getting together is an interesting concept. Another theme is the comical misunderstandings. Since Saiki has psychic powers and Teruhashi is always trying to be perfect, there are a lot of opportunities for misunderstandings that lead to humorous situations.
Maybe you haven't found the right type of literature yet. There are so many different genres out there, like science fiction, mystery, or even graphic novels. Try exploring different styles and you might change your mind.
Look for books that are related to your hobbies or interests. For example, if you like sports, there are many sports - themed novels. This might make reading more enjoyable for you.
Perhaps the development of the characters felt forced or the overall storyline was too predictable. Maybe there was a lack of depth or complexity that you look for in a manhwa.
The first thing to do was to find the cause and take measures. It could be because he was depressed, under too much psychological pressure, or because he had some kind of illness.
If you are experiencing these emotional problems, the following measures are recommended:
1. Ask for help: Ask for support and help from family, friends, doctors, or a psychiatrist. They can provide advice and support to help you deal with emotional problems.
2. Find fun: Try to find things that interest you and work hard to complete them. Participating in activities such as sports, reading, painting, etc. can help you relax and relieve stress.
3. Lifestyle adjustment: Maintaining healthy eating habits, adequate sleep, appropriate exercise, etc. can help you maintain physical and mental health.
4. Seek psychological support: If you feel that you can't control your emotions, it is recommended to seek professional psychotherapy help. Psychotherapy can help you understand your emotions and thoughts and find a solution to your problems.
Find the meaning of life: The meaning of life is a profound and complicated question that needs to be thought about by yourself. You can try to explore your own values and beliefs and find something meaningful that is related to you.
Remember, emotional problems are normal. Don't put yourself under pressure. If you feel that you can't control your emotions, please seek professional help.
Well, in fanfiction, a major dislike can be inconsistent plotlines. If the story jumps from one idea to another without proper connection, it becomes a jumbled mess. Overused tropes are also on my list. For example, the 'instant love' trope in every fanfic gets old fast. And let's not forget about the fanfictions that completely ignore the established lore of the original work. It's like they're writing a whole new thing instead of building on what already exists.