One main theme is discovery. The protagonist is in a new world and has to discover its rules, creatures, and landscapes. Another theme could be adaptation as they need to...
Well, it could be for love. In many fanfics, their relationship has been through a lot, and leaving together is a way to start anew, away from the prying eyes...
Sure. There could be a fanfiction where Naruto and Ayame go on a journey to find a special ingredient for one of Ayame's new recipes. Along the way, they encounter...
Well, these games contribute to diversity by breaking the traditional molds of storytelling in the gaming world. Usually, the gaming industry has been dominated by certain types of relationships and...
Perhaps Liam's secret story is centered around a goal he has. He could be secretly saving up to start his own business in a completely different field from what he...
Sure. Well, it was about a haunted house. There was this old, decrepit mansion on the outskirts of town. People said that at midnight, you could see a ghostly figure...
In another scambaiting story, a woman was targeted by a phone scammer claiming to be from the IRS. She knew it was a scam right away. So, she pretended to...