One inspiring story is of a disabled veteran. He won a large cash prize. With the money, he was able to get better medical treatments and also set up a fund to help other veterans in need. His win was not just for himself but also for the community of those who served.
There was a retired man who was a regular PCH entrant. He won a brand - new car. He was overjoyed because he could now travel more easily to visit his grandchildren. He often talked about how entering PCH was just a bit of fun at first, but it turned into an amazing experience.
WW1 fiction often has a sense of loss and futility. The huge number of casualties and the seeming pointlessness of the war are common elements. Novels like 'A Farewell to Arms' convey this through the stories of the characters. There is also a focus on the camaraderie among soldiers. In the face of death and horror, the bonds between the men in the trenches became very important, and this is often shown in ww1 fiction.