A 'heat wave novel' could potentially revolve around environmental themes associated with heat waves. It might tell the story of a community that is facing the consequences of global warming-induced...
Sure. One woman I knew had preeclampsia during her pregnancy. She started having really high blood pressure in her third trimester. She often felt dizzy and had severe headaches. It...
One of her well - known short stories is 'Breasts and Eggs'. It delves deep into the experiences of women, exploring themes like femininity, motherhood, and the female body. It's...
I don't think there should be a focus on such vulgar aspects in Buffy fanfic. Instead, great fanfic can be about Buffy's growth as a slayer, her friendships with Willow...
There are many such stories. One couple knew each other since childhood. They went to the same school all the way through. Their relationship was always based on mutual understanding...
The King George story regarding making people behave could involve King George III and the American colonies. He tried to make the colonists behave by imposing various taxes like the...
Rosa Parks is another. Her simple act of refusing to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, became a symbol of the civil rights movement. Her quiet...
Use vivid descriptions of the characters' physical features in an alluring way. For example, describe the way a character's eyes sparkle or their hair flows. Also, create sexual tension through...
One interesting friends to lovers short story could be about two friends who go on a road trip together. Along the way, they face various challenges like a flat tire...