The story in Monster Hunter World mainly revolves around the New World. Hunters are sent to this uncharted land filled with various powerful monsters. They explore different ecosystems, from ancient forests to volcanic regions. There are quests to hunt specific monsters which are often part of a bigger ecological or territorial issue within the New World. As hunters progress, they uncover more about the secrets of this land and the behaviors of its native creatures.
Monster Hunter World is set in a fantasy world filled with various monsters. Players take on the role of hunters and embark on quests to hunt and defeat these creatures to protect settlements and gather resources.
There is indeed a story. It includes elements like the balance of nature in the monster-filled world, the player's role as a hunter, and the uncovering of hidden secrets and mysteries.
Monster Hunter World's story length is subjective. For hardcore gamers who master the mechanics quickly and ignore extras, it might not seem that long. But for those who enjoy every aspect of the game, it offers a substantial story experience.
Cooperating in Monster Hunter World is easy. You can start by inviting friends or joining public sessions. During the hunt, focus on different roles like dealing damage, providing buffs, or healing. Work together to exploit the monster's weaknesses and achieve victory.
Well, in Monster Hunter World, the story can be dull for a few reasons. One is that the narrative is quite linear. You just go from one hunt to another with a basic overarching goal of dealing with the Elder Dragons. There's not a lot of side stories or sub - plots to make it more engaging. Also, the story - telling isn't very emotional. It doesn't really tug at your heartstrings like some other games do.