Since we don't have much information about what '1989 secret sessions stories' really are, it might be related to political, cultural or social events in 1989. Maybe they were private discussions among a certain group of people. For example, it could be secret academic research sessions, or some behind - the - scenes business meetings that had an impact on the development in that year.
Most likely not well - known. Given the 'secret' nature of these sessions, it implies that they were not meant to be public knowledge. Even if they had some sort of impact later on, if they were initially held in secrecy, they would not have the kind of widespread recognition that more public events or stories have. Unless, of course, there has been some sort of leak or discovery over time that has brought them into the spotlight, but based on the name alone, it seems that they are not widely known.
Her secret was a novel by Lily Wachowski and Lana Wachowski, which was released in 2014. The movie was about two sisters in Hong Kong in the 1970s, telling a story about sex, love, and friendship.
One of the top stories could be his role in the Trump administration's immigration policies. He was a strong advocate for strict immigration enforcement which had a significant impact on the border situation and deportation efforts.
There is no evidence to suggest whether Sessions likes spy novels or not. Spy novels typically involve elements like undercover agents, international intrigue, and secret missions. While many people find these elements fascinating, we just don't have any indication as to Sessions' stance on this genre.