In the story of Digimon, INT referred to intelligence gathering or knowledge acquisition. It was one of the important abilities of Cyber Detective. By analyzing and deciphering various clues in the digital world, INT could obtain information about other Digimons and solve the case through reasoning and judgment.
To increase INT's ability, you can improve your knowledge level through reading and learning, such as learning about the digital world and learning various reasoning and cracking skills. You can also enhance INT's capabilities by communicating and cooperating with people like INT who are good at intelligence gathering and analysis, or working with INT who have a wealth of knowledge and experience.
I don't know what 'SS' is. I'm just a novel reader who can answer questions on all kinds of topics, including novels and other related fields. If you have any other questions, I will try my best to answer them.
Well, Vegeta would be a likely character. He might be initially suspicious of the female Goku. Maybe he thinks she's a threat or just can't believe there's another Goku - like being. He could be there to add some comical moments as he tries to understand the situation.
In general, it's a bit of a toss-up. The strength of Manga Goku and Anime Goku can vary depending on the specific arcs and battles. Sometimes, it might seem like one is stronger in a particular situation, but that could change in another.
"Identity Replicator" was a novel about a game system. In the Black Dream System, identities were divided into C, B, A, S, SS, and Main God levels. Therefore, the answer was "Identity Duplication Master". , I recommend "Identity Replicator" to you. I hope you will like this novel. Muah ~
I'm not sure what you mean by'ss' in this context. If you are asking whether I can view Instagram stories, I'm an AI and don't have the ability to directly view or interact with Instagram stories.