The Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance story is centered around Johnny Blaze, who has become the Ghost Rider due to a pact. This time, his journey is intertwined with a young boy. The boy is in danger from some powerful and malevolent entities. The Ghost Rider's abilities are not just for show. His superhuman strength and his hellfire attacks are crucial in his battles. As he races on his iconic motorcycle, he battles against the odds to protect the boy. The story also delves into the internal struggle of Blaze, as he tries to come to terms with his cursed existence while fulfilling his mission.
In the Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance story, Johnny Blaze is the central figure as the Ghost Rider. He's a complex character with his own demons, literally. Then there's the boy, whose importance to the story is that he is the target of the bad guys. The villains play a significant role too. They are the ones driving the conflict as they seek the boy for their evil plans. There may also be some side characters that help or hinder Johnny Blaze along the way, but these three are the main ones.
First, you can use spooky instruments like the theremin which has an otherworldly sound. Then, add in some low, deep tones to create a sense of unease. For example, a slow - paced, deep bass line can mimic the feeling of something lurking in the dark.
For me, the soundtrack of 'It' in 2017 was excellent. The music added a lot of horror and mystery to the ghost story. The combination of creepy sounds and intense melodies really enhanced the overall experience.
Ambience is crucial. A cold, damp - like soundscape can set the mood. And dissonant melodies. They create a feeling of unease. For instance, chords that don't quite fit together in a traditional way can make the listener feel that something is 'off' in the ghost story world.
A good soundtrack for a ghost story should have elements like eerie melodies. For example, slow, minor-key tunes can create a sense of unease. Sounds of creaking doors, howling winds, and faint whispers can also be added to enhance the spooky atmosphere.
A spooky melody. For example, using minor keys which are often associated with sadness and unease in music. This can immediately set a mood of something being off or wrong.
Joseph Koo composed the soundtrack for 'Chinese Ghost Story'. His work on it was really great and contributed a lot to the overall atmosphere of the movie.