To find the top 4chan stories, first, understand the different boards on 4chan. Each board has its own theme and content. For example, /pol/ is more politically - oriented, so if you're interested in political stories from 4chan, that's a good place to start. Then, use the search function within 4chan to look for keywords related to what you think might be a top story. You can also bookmark threads that seem interesting and come back to them later to see if they've gained more traction and become part of the 'top' stories.
To participate in '4chan tell story', you first need to be a member of 4chan. Then, look for the relevant boards or threads dedicated to storytelling. Once you find them, you can simply start by adding to an existing story or start a new one if there's an opportunity.
First, know the 'Final Fantasy' lore well. This means being familiar with the characters, their backstories, and the different worlds in the games. Then, come up with an interesting plot that can bring together the elements from different games in a believable way.
Mega Man's story is about his quest to protect humanity from the threats posed by Dr. Wily's robotic creations. He faces tough enemies and uses his wits and abilities to succeed. The games feature different levels and bosses, making for an exciting narrative.
I'd say it's probably legitimate. But you should always be cautious and check for proper licenses and authorizations. If it has a good track record and positive feedback from users, that's a good sign it's legit.
Some social media groups focused on short stories or niche literature might also have members who are into '4chan short stories'. You can search for relevant hashtags or groups and ask around for recommendations. This can lead you to a whole new collection of these unique short stories.
To start writing 4chan fanfic, first, you need to be really familiar with the content on 4chan. Know the different boards, the popular trends, and the characters or concepts that are often talked about. Then, just pick a topic you're passionate about from that and start creating a story. You can start with a simple idea like 'what if this character from that 4chan - related thing did this instead?'
Another way is to follow 4chan users who are known for their love of literature. They might post about great romance novels they've discovered. You could also join relevant 4chan communities dedicated to books and ask for recommendations there. These communities usually have members with diverse tastes who can offer a wide range of suggestions.