To keep your novel organized, try breaking it down into sections or chapters. Have a consistent timeline and make sure events build logically. Also, keep track of subplots and how they relate to the main story.
Well, usually it involves showing them kindness and setting clear boundaries. Sometimes, it might also require getting them involved in positive activities to change their behavior.
To captivate your boss in a manhwa, you might want to display excellent communication skills and a positive attitude. Also, going the extra mile and offering helpful suggestions can work wonders.
The key to charming your dragon in manhwa is through bravery and loyalty. Stand by its side in difficult times and prove your worth. Additionally, using special powers or gifts might help win its heart.
Maintain a writing journal. Write down your thoughts, ideas, and the steps you take each day. It helps you look back and see how far you've come and what needs to be done next.