Perhaps the plot revolves around a conflict between the ideals of the Naruto world and Issei's actions in Highschool DxD. The Naruto characters, with their strong sense of justice and...
Well, in some 'Big Hero 6 Nightmare Fanfic', there could be a scenario where the whole team is trapped in a never - ending nightmare created by a new villain....
There was a wife mom who decided to start a small business from home. She used her skills in baking. Her husband supported her idea, and her kids helped out...
Yes. There are likely to be some great reads. Some books might be based on current events or cultural phenomena, which can make them very engaging. Others could be reimagined...
Perhaps there's a plot where an old enemy from Varian's past returns. This enemy is after Varian's knowledge of alchemy. Rapunzel steps in to protect Varian. They go on the...
Some people have reported vivid nightmares as melatonin horror stories. After taking melatonin, they were plunged into extremely disturbing and intense dreams that made them wake up in a panic.
In a modern - day urban fantasy story, a young man who is constantly bullied at school stumbles upon an old book in a library. When he reads a certain...
One idea could be a character with the butterfly bloodline being an outcast in the Hidden Leaf Village at first. Because their abilities seem so strange compared to the common...
I'm not sure which specific 'little green snake story' you mean. There could be many stories about little green snakes. It could be a fable where the little green snake...
A common theme is friendship. Given their different personalities in the Disney canon, fanfictions often explore how they can be friends or even best friends. Another theme is adventure. They...