Forgetting your lines during a play rehearsal or performance is quite common. You stand there looking stupid while everyone else is waiting for you to say something.
One example is Taylor Swift. There were rumors that she was bullied in high school. Some kids made fun of her for being into country music when it wasn't as popular among her peers. It must have been really embarrassing for her at that time.
I once tripped and fell flat on my face in the middle of the school hallway during passing period. Everyone was looking at me, and my books went flying everywhere. It was so embarrassing that I just wanted to disappear into the floor.
There was this instance where during a school play, an actor's costume started to come undone right in the middle of a scene. It was a really important moment in the play, and everyone could see his underwear. The poor guy had to keep going while trying to fix it as best he could. It was one of those cringe - worthy moments that BuzzFeed loves to share about school life.
One memorable story was when a student accidentally walked into the wrong classroom during an exam. He sat down, started writing, and it took him about 10 minutes to realize his mistake. By then, everyone in the class was looking at him strangely.
One common one is when students have to get vaccinations at school. Some students are really afraid of needles. There was this one boy who started crying and screaming before the injection even started. His classmates all watched and it was super embarrassing for him.
Well, once in middle school, I was giving a presentation in front of the class. I was so nervous that I completely blanked out and started stuttering really badly. I couldn't even remember my own name for a second. It was mortifying as everyone was just staring at me.
Once in school, I was wearing a white skirt during my period and accidentally got a stain on it. I didn't notice until a classmate pointed it out. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to disappear right away.
When I was in school, I had a huge crush on a boy. One day, I wrote him a love note but accidentally put it in the wrong locker. The girl who got the note thought it was for her and came to find me all excited. When I realized my mistake, I was mortified. I had to explain the whole situation to her, and she was really disappointed. It was so awkward.
One of my most embarrassing school stories was when I tripped and fell flat on my face in the middle of the school hallway. Everyone was looking at me, and I could feel my face turn bright red. I quickly got up and ran to my classroom, hoping no one would remember it, but of course they did for a long time.