The story was a Japanese manga series created by Fukutomi Shichiyuki and started in 1992. The story was about the swordsman Hua Wuque and his companions who lived in Japan during the Edo period. They fought a series of battles to protect their homeland. Hua Jiang Lou had a wide audience in Japan and Asia and was considered a classic in Japanese comics.
Well, a scentless flower in manga might have various meanings. It could imply hidden beauty that's not obvious at first glance. Or it could contrast with other fragrant flowers to show uniqueness or isolation. Sometimes, it might just be a visual element used for aesthetic purposes without a deep symbolic meaning.
I don't think there's a connection. 'Does the Flower Bloom' manga might have its own independent distribution and availability, separate from Manga Rock.
Maybe the manga tells of how the princess discovers the flower and how it changes her life. It could also be that the flower grants her special abilities or leads her to meet important allies.
It often symbolizes purity emerging from impurity or strength in adverse conditions. The lotus flower's presence in the mud can add depth and meaning to the story.
The Xianxia Qianyuan Flower Qiangu Manga was a manga on the animation platform of Tengxun. It told the story of the love story between Hua Qiangu and Bai Zihua. The comic was based on the ancient Chinese Xianxia culture and combined with modern emotional elements to present a beautiful and romantic picture. The characters in the manga had their own unique characteristics, and the plot was full of ups and downs, which was deeply loved by young readers.