The Darth Bane Graphic Novel mainly follows the story of Darth Bane. It shows his rise in the Sith order. He was a key figure in reforming the Sith, believing in the 'Rule of Two' which was a major shift in Sith ideology. This graphic novel likely delves into his early days, his battles, and how he came to his powerful and unique position within the Sith hierarchy.
Darth Bane is the main character, of course. He is the central figure around which the story of the graphic novel revolves. There may also be other Sith characters, perhaps his mentors or rivals within the Sith order, but Darth Bane is the key protagonist.
Darth Bane is a significant figure in the Star Wars universe. He was a Sith Lord who introduced the 'Rule of Two' among the Sith. This rule stated that there should only be two Sith at a time, a master and an apprentice, which helped the Sith stay in the shadows and plot against the Jedi more effectively.
It could lead to a power vacuum. With Darth Bane gone, there would be a struggle among the remaining Sith to fill the void he left. This might cause internal strife and division as different Sith vie for control and influence.
For the Jedi, they might initially be unaware of the significance of Bane's death in the context of Sith politics. But as the Sith start to fight among themselves, it could either be an opportunity for the Jedi to strike or it could lead to more dangerous and unpredictable Sith emerging from the chaos, which would pose a new threat to the Jedi.