
why did castle end so abruptly

Why did so many light novels end at 12 volumes?
1 answer
2024-08-13 10:03
Light novels usually have 12 or more volumes. This is because in Japanese, each volume is usually called a "one-volume book"(one volume noben) and 12 volumes are called a "twelve-volume book"(twelve volume noben). This length was usually arranged to ensure that the novel had enough content to support multiple endings and to allow the reader to have a clear answer and satisfaction after reading the entire novel. In addition, some light novels were longer than 12 volumes because of commercial considerations. In Japan, light novels were usually sold in the form of a single volume, and the number of single volumes would usually be arranged according to the number of volumes. Therefore, if a light novel had 12 volumes, it could be arranged as a complete standalone book to obtain more sales and profits. The 12-volume light novel also had its advantages. In this way, the author could better control the development and ending of the story to avoid situations that could not be concluded. In addition, this length arrangement also allowed the readers to better understand the plot and theme of the novel and obtain more in-depth thinking and enlightenment.
Why did the Da Vinci Code end so hastily?
1 answer
2024-09-05 20:40
The ending of The Da Vinci Code was not explicitly stated because the novel itself was not completed. It was said that the ending of the novel was continued by a writer named The End, and the writer did not reveal what story he would tell. Therefore, the ending of the Da Vinci Code remained a mystery. However, according to some readers, the Da Vinci Code might tell the story of the important figure of the Renaissance, Da Vinci, or it might tell the story of encryption and cracking codes. However, these were just guesses because the novel was not completed, so it was impossible to know its true ending.
Why did so many animes end with 12 or 24 episodes? What was the point?
1 answer
2024-09-10 20:23
There were several reasons why many animes chose to end with 12 or 24 episodes: 1. Production cost: It takes a lot of time and money to produce an anime. If you release too many episodes at once, it may make it difficult for the audience to afford the high viewing fees or to get a complete story experience. Therefore, some animation production companies would choose to end the series with 12 or 24 episodes in order to better control costs and attract more viewers. 2. Plot length: In some anime, the plot may need to be maintained at a certain length to better show the growth of the character and the development of the plot. Therefore, the animation production company might choose to end with fewer episodes to better maintain the rhythm and tension of the plot. 3. Audience requirements: Some viewers might prefer to watch the entire story in one go, while others might prefer to watch it in separate episodes. The animation production company could decide whether or not to end with multiple episodes according to the needs of their audience. No matter what the reason was, there was a reason why the anime ended with 12 or 24 episodes. For the production company, it could make decisions based on its own cost, the length of the story, and the needs of the audience. For the audience, watching the entire plot in one go or watching it in separate episodes had their own advantages and disadvantages. They had to choose according to their preferences and viewing habits.
Why did so many urban novels end up as fantasy novels?
1 answer
2024-08-28 14:58
The urban novel and the fantasy novel were two completely different types, but in some cases, the plot of the urban novel might take the form of a fantasy novel. This was usually because the plots of urban novels often had more complicated character relationships, emotional entanglements, and worldviews, which were also common in fantasy novels. City novels often involved topics such as city life, interpersonal relationships, workplace competition, and so on. These topics were also very common in fantasy novels. In addition, the characters in urban novels often had certain special abilities or supernatural abilities that became part of the story. When writing an urban novel, the author might incorporate some elements of fantasy into it, such as connecting the fate of the characters with supernatural forces such as immortals, demons, or introducing some mysterious symbols and images into the story. These would make the plot of the novel more complicated and full of imagination, leading to the trend of fantasy in the ending. Although urban novels and fantasy novels had different topics and forms of expression, the connection and mutual reference between them were also very common. Therefore, some urban novels might add some fantasy elements to the ending to enrich the story and character image.
Why did Xiaoman Lu, the queen of the school, end up so tragically?
1 answer
2024-09-17 00:53
I don't know which novel or storyline Xiaoman Lu, the Queen of Campus, is referring to. If you can provide more background information or context, I will try my best to provide you with a more accurate answer.
Why did Gu Long's novels always end so hastily?
1 answer
2024-09-09 17:42
There were several reasons why Gu Long's novels always ended in a hurry: Gu Long's novel style was bright and compact, and the plot was full of ups and downs. Many characters were often created in a short period of time, and they experienced many life turns and changes in fate in a short period of time. This rhythm made the ending of the novel often rushed and difficult to continue. Gu Long's novels often involved many complex emotional issues such as love, friendship, loyalty, betrayal, and so on. Because these problems were often difficult to solve perfectly in a short period of time, the ending of the novel often needed to be rushed. Gu Long's novels often had accidents and unexpected events. These events often exploded at the end of the novel, making the ending of the novel even more rushed. Gulong's novels often needed to leave enough suspense and imagination for the subsequent plots, so they needed to end quickly at the end so that the readers could continue to imagine and explore. The reason why Gu Long's novel ended in a hurry was because of its compact plot, complex emotions, and the need to leave enough suspense and imagination for the following plot.
Why did a streamer called Liang Xiaoyu leave Tong Castle?
1 answer
2024-09-15 19:49
Peace Elite was a game that had nothing to do with online literature knowledge. Therefore, I will try my best to answer.
Why did Lu Xueqi, who was so bad, end up with such a good ending? Why did Biyao die around 30 episodes?
1 answer
2024-09-09 21:50
Lu Xueqi was so bad, but she had such a good ending. Why did Biyao die in about 30 episodes? The reason why Lu Xueqi was bad in the Celestial Slaying Cyan Cloud Annals was because she was an immortal cultivator with a complicated background. She was once ostracized and suppressed by other immortal cultivators because of her lack of cultivation. In the end, she committed serious crimes because of her inner darkness and revenge. However, in the second half of the story, Lu Xueqi gradually realized her mistakes and tried her best to correct her behavior. In the end, she was recognized and forgiven by the readers. Biyao was an immortal cultivator with beautiful wishes. She originally entered the immortal cultivation world to find her mother, but in the process of cultivation, she encountered many difficulties and challenges, and at the same time, she made many good friends. In the second half of the plot, Bi Yao was in trouble because of an accident. In the end, she received the help and support of Lu Xueqi and other immortal cultivators and finally managed to escape from the predicament and find her mother. Lu Xueqi and Biyao were two very important characters in the story. Their fate and growth were an important part of the story. Although they showed different personalities and characteristics in the first few episodes of the plot, they gradually gained the recognition and love of the readers as time passed and finally got a perfect ending.
Why is it so easy for online novels to end badly?
1 answer
2024-08-19 19:33
There are many reasons why web novels tend to end badly. The following are some possible reasons: 1. The story setting is too large or complicated: Some web novels have very large or complicated story settings, making it difficult to develop or advance the story. The author might need to spend too much time and energy constructing the story setting and not have enough time and energy to continue developing the story. 2. The lack of a coherent storyline: Online novels often lack a coherent storyline, making it difficult for readers to follow the story. The author might make some mistakes or contradictions in the process of writing, making it difficult for the story to progress or even causing the reader to lose interest. 3. Not enough writing skills: Some web novelists may not have enough writing skills, making it difficult to express the plot clearly or to attract readers 'interest. The author might need to learn how to construct the plot, shape the characters, and push the story forward in order to write a good web novel. 4. The plot direction is too complicated or unreasonable: Some web novels have too complicated or unreasonable plot direction, making it difficult for readers to follow the story development.
Where did all those directors of microfilms go in the end? Brother Hao of Erlong Lake and so on, why did they all stop filming in the end?
1 answer
2024-09-18 01:34
Where did the directors of the microfilm go in the end? Erlong Lake, Brother Hao, etc. Why did they all stop filming in the end? There were many different answers to this question because the choice of microfilm director varied from person to person. Some microfilm directors might choose to continue directing other types of movies or turn to TV series, animation, and other fields. Some micro film directors might choose to leave the film industry or focus on other hobbies and careers. Among them, Brother Hao of Erlong Lake and others might be a relatively special example. He was a famous microfilm director who had shown outstanding talent in many microfilms. However, he had recently announced that he would no longer direct microfilms and would instead focus on social media and Short videos. This might have something to do with his personal interests and lifestyle. Microfilm directors 'choices vary from person to person. They may choose different fields and directions to showcase their talents and personalities.