One possible storyline could be about Naruto and Sakura finally getting together and starting a family. Their children could inherit their unique ninja skills. For example, their son might have...
In 'Teen Titans Go Origin Stories', we get to see the roots of the Teen Titans in detail. Beast Boy's origin story, for instance, with his ability to transform into...
There are several. Rebellion is one. For example, in 'Matched', the main character rebels against the system that chooses her life partner. Exploration is another. In 'Ready Player One', the...
One black paranormal story is about the haunted plantation. There are tales of slaves' spirits still lingering there. People claim to hear the moans and chains rattling at night, as...
Sure. One big manifestation story is about a person who always dreamed of traveling the world but had very little money. They visualized themselves in different countries every day. They...
Queen Anne was the last Stuart monarch of Great Britain. She reigned from 1702 - 1714. During her reign, the Act of Union was passed in 1707, which united England...
The setting of the novel could be really fascinating. It might be set in a fictional, yet vividly described world, with its own culture, traditions and social hierarchies. This setting...
Sure. 'Fire Emblem: Three Houses' is popular. It has a complex story with multiple branching paths. You play as a teacher in a military academy and your choices influence which...
One great girl robin fanfiction is 'The Adventures of Girl Robin'. It shows her in unique adventures, facing challenges and growing as a character. Another is 'Girl Robin's Secret Identity'...