Pretty closely. The movie gets the basic elements of the true story right. The Navy's flight training program is accurately portrayed with its rigorous drills and emphasis on excellence. The...
Sure. 'The Power' by Naomi Alderman is likely to be on such a list. It's a gripping read that challenges the traditional ideas of power and gender. The concept of...
A recent CFS success story involved a patient who had suffered from severe CFS for over five years. They started a new treatment that included a series of immunotherapy sessions....
One main challenge was the inaccurate landings. The darkness, strong winds, and enemy anti - aircraft fire made it difficult for them to land exactly where they were supposed to....
One of the great fiction books in 2017 might be 'Exit West' by Mohsin Hamid. This book tells a beautiful love story set against the backdrop of a world in...
Take T.S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land'. It shows a fragmentation of narrative. The poem jumps from one scene, one era, and one voice to another. It also has a sense...
Obviously, the panther is one of the main characters. And since it's a love novel, there must be another character that the panther has a relationship with. This could be...