
is famous

Famous works, famous sentences, famous passages
1 answer
2024-09-16 19:40
An example of a famous sentence is as follows: All happy families are similar, but each unhappy family is different. Anna Karenina The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth. Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace People always cherish what they don't get and forget what they have. Hamlet by William shakespeare True love should not be beautiful, but should be strong and brave. Pride and Predict People often lie to you to let you know that sometimes the only person you should trust is yourself. The Catcher in the Rye Life is not about how many days you live, but how many days you remember. You have to make every day you live worth remembering. Ma Liang's Confession People sometimes overestimate their abilities and underestimate their influence. The Three-Body Problem 8. Real tenacity should be when you cry, when you laugh, when you speak, when you do it without hesitation. Maugham, The Shackles of Humanity All men are bound to die, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. Sima Qian's Records of the Historian Life is so short and precious that we should cherish it and make it the most precious thing we can Tagore's Birds
Famous works, famous sentences, famous passages
1 answer
2024-09-19 08:18
There are many examples of famous works: 1 In Dream of the Red Chamber," No matter how weak the water is, I will only take a ladle to drink." 2."Love only thrives when it is free" in Pride and Predict. 3 In Journey to the West,"If we don't meet at the top of the Jade Mountain, we will meet under the moon at the Jade Terrace." 4."The word of loyalty is praised by the world" in "Water Margins." 5 In Romance of the Three Kingdoms," The world's general trend will be divided for a long time and will be divided for a long time." These are just some examples. There are many other famous works and famous sentences.
Famous Words of a Famous Scholar
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2024-08-27 17:50
The following are the famous sayings of some famous writers: Life is a journey. Some people only choose one direction, while others can choose to travel many times. Shakespeare The most pitiful thing about human nature is that we always dream of a wonderful rose garden on the horizon instead of admiring the roses that are blooming in front of our windows today. Hugo Without saliva and sweat, there would be no tears of success. Edison Suffering is the test of life. After the test, you will understand the meaning and value of life better. Carnegie There is a road to the mountain of books, and diligence is the path. han yu Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. Hugo Books are the ladder of human progress. Liu Xiang Love life and treat work as a part of life. Franklin The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, but the second when I first came online, you went offline. Internet Famous Words A life without creation is not a life, only a life. Lu Xun
10 famous sentences in famous prose
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2024-09-13 05:44
Life is not about how many days you live, but how many days you remember. You have to make every day you live worth remembering. 2. The freedom of the wind, the gentleness of the clouds, be confident and enjoy a beautiful life. A man should control his habits, but never let them control him. A man who can't get rid of his bad habits is worth nothing. Life is not about how many days you live, but how many days you remember. You have to make every day worth remembering. Real tenacity should be when you cry, when you laugh, when you speak, when you do it without hesitation. The reason why the six of them were tired of living was because they couldn't put down their airs, tear apart their faces, and unravel their plots. Sometimes, it's not that the other party doesn't care about you, but that you take the other party too seriously. There is no rehearsal in life. Every day is a live broadcast. As we grow older, we don't lose some friends, but we know who our true friends are. Youth once pawned can never be redeemed.
Famous sayings in famous books
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2024-09-16 19:46
The following are some famous sayings: 1 Fortune favors those who fear thee - The Lord of the Rings The past is a written record, the future is a prediction but the present is how we react to the past - Iliad In the end it's not about who's greater but about who's greater in the end - The Godfather Francis Ford Coppola 4 Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get - The Great GatsbyF Scott Fitzgerald You can't predict the future but you can control your actions and how you react to it - The Matrix James Cameron The only way to truly know what's coming is to come - The Tao of Pooh Winnie the Pooh Orson Welles 7 The only thing that matters is that you care - The Catcher in the RyeJD Salinger The only way to find out who you are is to become who you want to be - The quote from The Matrix James Cameron 9 All that matters is that you lived your life to the fullest and did what you wanted to do - The Catcher in the RyeJD Salinger To err is human to forgive divine
A famous sentence in a famous work
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2024-09-16 20:06
There are many famous sentences in famous works. The following are some of the famous ones: 1 It is always easier to tell a story than to make it - Great Expectations by Charles Dickens The road to success is not always easy but it is always rugged. The road to success is not always easy, but it is always bumpy. - The Road to Reality by D Salinger 3 To be or not to be that is the question - Metaphysics by ristotle 4 man's character is his most important asset - The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald 5 ll that we are we are through our friends - On the Road by ack Kerouac 6 You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you get it - The Catcher in the Rye by D Salinger 7 Life is a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get - Great Expectations byCharles Dickens 8 You can't go back after you've lived - The Catcher in the Rye by D Salinger 9 The only way to be happy is to be yourself - The Tao of Pooh by Milne 10 You can't change the past but you can change your attitude towards it - On the Road by ack Kerouac
Famous works and famous sayings
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2024-09-16 22:36
An example of a famous quote is as follows: There is no such thing as failure unless you stop trying. - Mark Twain A person's value should be determined by his contribution, not his wealth. - Raymond Chandler The secret of success is to always believe that you can succeed. - Jack London Courage isn't about not feeling fear, it's about continuing to act even if you feel fear. - Robert Frost Life is like chocolate, you never know what you will taste. - Edith Mendes The secret of success is to always maintain the passion for your dreams. - Ray Bradbury If you want to be a successful person, you must become an ambitious person. - George Washington Success is not the end, but a long and arduous journey. - Jack Kerouac Hard work, focus, and perseverance are the keys to achieving any goal. - John F. Kennedy Success requires courage and determination to face challenges and failures. - Michael Jordan
A famous saying in a famous book
1 answer
2024-09-07 07:13
Okay, do you have any questions about famous works that you need me to answer?
The famous aphorisms in famous works
1 answer
2024-09-11 06:38
Okay, what famous works do you want me to answer about?
Famous sentences and famous passages in the world's famous works
1 answer
2024-08-18 21:23
Okay, what world famous works would you like to know?