Yes, it is possible in some rare cases. For example, if there are things on the way down like awnings or tree branches that can break the fall and slow the person's descent gradually. Also, landing on a soft surface like a big pile of garbage or a deep snowdrift might increase the chances of survival.
Surviving a free fall from at least 5 stories is a very challenging feat. There are many factors involved. First, the height of 5 stories is significant, resulting in a high velocity upon impact. But, as mentioned before, environmental factors can be helpful. Also, the physical condition of the person matters. A more flexible and fit person may have a better chance of surviving the impact as their body can withstand the shock to some degree. But overall, it's a very dangerous situation with a low probability of survival.
It's extremely difficult but not entirely impossible. There have been accounts where people have survived such falls. The body's position during the fall can play a crucial role. If a person is able to somehow spread out and increase air resistance, it could potentially reduce the impact speed to some extent. However, the chances are still very slim.