The full story of Dr Stone mainly revolves around Senku Ishigami. After being petrified for thousands of years, Senku emerges in a world that has reverted to a primitive state. He has a grand plan to revive all of humanity and bring back modern technology. He first frees his friend Taiju, and together they start to gather resources. Senku's knowledge of science is vast, and he applies it to solve various problems. For example, he figures out how to make gunpowder, which is crucial for many of their later projects. The story also involves different groups of people, some of whom oppose Senku's scientific approach while others join him in his quest to rebuild the world.
Well, Dr Stone's full story is set in a post - apocalyptic world where everyone has been turned to stone. Senku, the protagonist, is a scientific genius. He wakes up and decides to revive humanity and bring back the technological age. He starts with basic things like making soap to improve hygiene. Then he moves on to more advanced things like building a laboratory. There are other characters too, like Chrome, who is interested in science and becomes Senku's ally. There are also antagonists who try to stop Senku's progress. The story shows how science can be used to overcome difficulties and build a new world, and it's filled with interesting scientific concepts and exciting adventures.