Sure. There was a seller who sold a used laptop on Carousell. The buyer seemed very nice at first and asked a lot of questions. After the seller shipped the laptop, the buyer claimed it was damaged and demanded a refund. However, the seller knew the laptop was in perfect condition when shipped. The buyer then threatened to leave bad reviews if the refund wasn't given. It was a really difficult situation for the seller.
There are stories where people sell counterfeit items on Carousell. For example, someone bought what they thought was a genuine designer bag at a good price. But when it arrived, it was clearly a fake. They tried to contact the seller but got no response. This shows the risks of buying high - end items on the platform without proper verification.
I know of a story where on a holiday, the mta was running a reduced service but there were still a lot of people out. A particular train was so overcrowded that passengers couldn't move their arms or legs properly. Some people had their bags squashed, and there was a lot of jostling. There were kids crying because they were so uncomfortable. It was a nightmare for everyone on board. And the train had to make extra stops because of some technical issues, which just added to the chaos.
I heard about a biker who booked an Airbnb near Sturgis. The listing showed a clean and cozy place. But when he arrived, the place was a mess. There was garbage in the kitchen, and the bathroom was filthy. The host was unreachable, and he had to spend the first day of his Sturgis trip trying to clean up the place just so he could stay there.
There was a soldier who was caught in a gas attack. He watched as his friends started coughing up blood and choking. He managed to put on his gas mask in time but was then separated from his unit. As he wandered through the trenches, he came across a dying comrade who was begging for help but he couldn't do much. He was haunted by that moment for the rest of his life.
Yes. In Warsaw, Poland, during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The Nazis had confined Jews to a ghetto and then began to deport them to death camps. The Jews fought back, but the Nazis responded with extreme brutality. Civilians were massacred, and the ghetto was eventually razed to the ground. It was a dark chapter for the civilians there.
There was this old tenement building in the ghetto. People there had to deal with broken staircases. A family on the third floor had an elderly member who couldn't climb the stairs easily. One day, the railing on the stairs broke completely. It was so dangerous that the family was constantly worried about the elderly person falling and getting seriously injured. And the landlord didn't care at all about fixing it.
In a big city hospital, overcrowding led to patients being put in hallways instead of proper rooms. There were not enough beds, so people were lying on gurneys in the corridors. This made it difficult for the nurses to monitor everyone properly. Also, it increased the risk of spreading diseases among the patients. It was a very distressing situation for everyone involved.
A language teacher had a very successful online course on a self - hosted platform. He focused on teaching Spanish to beginners. He made his course engaging by using real - life examples, cultural references, and interactive exercises. He also offered free trials which attracted a lot of potential students. Once they tried the course, many of them signed up for the full version. His success was also due to the positive reviews from his students, which led to more people enrolling in his course.
Sure. There was a person who took Ambien and woke up to find that they had written strange and disturbing messages all over their walls. They had no memory of doing it at all. It was really creepy as it was like some unknown force had taken over them while they were under the influence of the drug.
Sure. There was a Pegasister who attended a Pegasus - themed convention. She was really excited to meet other fans and see all the cool stuff. But she accidentally bumped into a very rude group of so - called 'hardcore' Pegasisters. They started yelling at her and making her feel like she didn't belong there just because she was new to the fandom and didn't know all the 'inside' rules. It was a horrible experience for her.