Incorporate some unexpected twists in the story. Maybe Cress finds out that his long - lost relative is a powerful Pokemon master who has been in hiding all this time. This can add a whole new layer of depth and intrigue to your fanfic.
Create a really interesting and original setting. Instead of the usual Pokemon regions, you could create a new one that has its own rules and types of Pokemon. And Cress can be the explorer in this new place.
Give your OC a unique appearance. Instead of the typical Pokemon look, add some distinct features like extra wings, a different color pattern, or a special marking. Also, give it a one - of - a - kind ability. For example, a Pokemon that can turn invisible when it feels threatened. Make its backstory interesting. Maybe it was an experiment gone wrong in a secret lab, or it was born from a rare natural phenomenon. This will make readers more interested in your OC.
Incorporate elements from different Pokemon generations. Combine the lore and characteristics of anminsa Pokemon with other well - known Pokemon or concepts from various games. This can give your fanfic a fresh and interesting feel. For instance, you could have anminsa Pokemon interact with a legendary Pokemon in a way that no one has thought of before. This will engage readers who are familiar with the entire Pokemon franchise and make your fanfic more memorable.
Incorporate a mystery or a sub - plot. Maybe there's a strange phenomenon that is affecting the Pokemon's performances in the contest. Or there could be a hidden agenda among the judges. This will add depth and intrigue to your fanfic. You can also play with different narrative styles, like starting the story in the middle of the action or using multiple perspectives to tell the story.
Use unique character designs. Instead of the typical Pokemon trainer look, give your characters distinct appearances and personalities. For example, a trainer who dresses like a samurai but has a very modern way of thinking. Also, focus on creating complex relationships between Pokemon and their trainers, not just the usual 'catch and battle' scenario.
To make your Pokemon Shield fanfic stand out, focus on unique characters. Instead of the typical trainer, create a character with a distinct personality, like a trainer who is afraid of Pokemon battles but loves to study Pokemon behavior. Also, add unexpected plot twists. Maybe the main character's Starter Pokemon turns out to have a hidden power that no one expected. And use vivid descriptions of the Galar region, from its bustling cities to its wild areas.
Use unique characterizations. Instead of the typical personalities for the Pokemon and humans, give them some quirks. For example, make Pikachu be really into collecting shiny objects. Also, create a complex mystery. Don't make it too easy to solve. And include some unexpected twists and turns in the plot.
Give your OC a unique appearance. For example, if your OC is a girl, she could have long purple hair like the petals of a Florges. And for her clothing, it could be inspired by the architecture of Lumiose City, with lots of elegant lines and bright colors.
Use unique character designs. Instead of the typical trainer look, give your characters distinct fashion styles or accessories that are related to the Unova region. For example, a character could wear a hat inspired by the Striaton City Gym's design.
Create unique character relationships. For example, make her have a complex relationship with a Pokemon she catches but then starts to care for in a strange way. Also, add unexpected plot twists. Instead of the usual hunt - capture - sell cycle, throw in some elements that change her path completely.
Well, you can start by creating unique characters. Don't just rely on the existing trainers in the game. Invent new ones with distinct personalities, goals, and backstories. For example, a trainer who is afraid of flying - type Pokemon but has to overcome that fear to complete their journey.