Well, here are some. 'She left her umbrella. It became a home for a little frog.' And also 'The clock stopped. His life started anew.'
Here is another one. 'She opened the old book. A pressed flower fell out.'
One example is 'The old photo fluttered to the floor. Memories flooded back, but she couldn't face them.' Another could be 'The match flared in the dark. For a moment, he saw the face of his enemy. Then it was gone.' These very short micro fictions are great at creating a strong emotional impact in just a few words.
I was alone in the forest. Out of the darkness, a pair of glowing eyes stared at me.
They are concise. Just two sentences can convey a complete story or at least a strong concept. For example, in 'The sun rose. The night's terrors faded.', it quickly shows a change from a state of fear at night to hope with the rising sun.
Two friends planted a tree together. One friend got sick and passed on, and now the tree is a lonely reminder of their lost friendship.
One: I sat on my couch. Something under the cushion grabbed my finger. Another: I walked into my room. The closet door opened on its own and a dark figure peeked out.
Here's an example for micro fiction: 'She opened the box. Empty. Heartbreak.' It's extremely concise. Now for flash fiction. 'John was late for work. He ran to the bus stop. Missed the bus. Decided to walk. Along the way, he saw a cat stuck in a tree. He rescued it. When he finally got to work, his boss was so impressed by his kindness that he didn't scold him for being late.' Flash fiction has a sequence of events, while micro fiction is more about a single, impactful moment.
My phone took a picture of me while I was sleeping and sent it to an unknown number.
Here's a long one - sentence story. In a small coastal town, there was a fisherman named Jack. Jack was known for his big heart but small catch. One day, during a violent storm, he saw a mermaid caught in a net near the shore. He rescued her without hesitation. In return, the mermaid granted him a special ability to always find the best fishing spots. Jack became the most prosperous fisherman in town, but he never forgot the kindness he showed that day and always made sure to protect the ocean and its creatures.
My candle flickered and died. In the sudden blackness, I heard a ghostly whisper.