Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield are the two gangsters. They work for Marsellus Wallace. Vincent has a rather nonchalant attitude in many situations. Jules, on the other hand, is more vocal about his thoughts and beliefs. They get into all sorts of crazy situations together, from dealing with drug dealers to having some really strange conversations in a diner. Their presence in the movie really sets the tone for the kind of edgy and unpredictable story that 'Pulp Fiction' is.
The two gangsters in Pulp Fiction are Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield. These two characters are central to the film's narrative. Their actions, conversations, and the way they handle different scenarios are what drive the story forward. For instance, their encounter with the young men in the apartment is a key moment that shows their different approaches. Vincent is more prone to using force while Jules seems to be more interested in making a point. And their loyalty to Marsellus Wallace also plays a significant role in their actions throughout the movie.
Yes, Pulp Fiction is definitely a gangster movie. It has all the elements like crime, violence, and underworld characters.
Power is a common theme. Gangsters are often seeking power, whether it's over a territory, a criminal enterprise, or other people. For example, in 'The Godfather', the Corleone family is constantly vying for more power within the mafia world.
The main characters include Vincent Vega, Jules Winnfield, and Mia Wallace. They play significant roles in the story.
Tony Montana from 'Scarface' is very famous. His over - the - top personality and his rise to power in the drug - trafficking world are well - known. Another is Vito Corleone from 'The Godfather'. He is seen as a shrewd and powerful mafia boss. And Henry Hill from 'Goodfellas' is also quite famous as his story gives an inside look into the life of a gangster who was involved in various criminal activities.
In 'Pulp Fiction', some of the lead characters are Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta. He is a hitman with a cool and somewhat unpredictable demeanor. Another is Jules Winnfield, played by Samuel L. Jackson. He is also a hitman and has some really memorable and quotable lines in the movie. And then there's Mia Wallace, Uma Thurman's character, who is the wife of a crime boss and she has a very alluring and complex personality.
The main characters in 'Pulp Fiction' include Vincent Vega, a cool - headed hitman. Jules Winnfield, his partner, who has some interesting character development. And Mia Wallace, a beautiful but dangerous woman. There are also other characters like Butch Coolidge, the boxer, who play significant roles in the complex web of stories.
Well, in Pulp Fiction, there are several notable characters. Vincent Vega is a cool - but troubled - hitman. Jules Winnfield is his partner in crime, who has some interesting character development throughout the movie. Then there's Marsellus Wallace, a powerful and intimidating figure. His wife, Mia Wallace, adds an element of mystery and allure to the story. And don't forget Butch Coolidge, the boxer who gets caught up in a web of events.
Vincent Vega is one of the main characters. He is a hitman with a cool and somewhat laid - back demeanor.
The main characters are Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta, Jules Winnfield played by Samuel L. Jackson, Mia Wallace played by Uma Thurman, and Butch Coolidge played by Bruce Willis.
Vincent Vega is one of the main characters. He's a hitman with a cool and somewhat nonchalant attitude.