There was this roommate who woke up late for an exam. In his rush, he grabbed his toothbrush instead of his pen. When he got to the exam hall and realized his mistake, he had to borrow a pen from the invigilator. It was so funny seeing his flustered face.
A roommate of mine was practicing for a play. He was reciting his lines really loudly in his room. But he got so into it that he didn't notice his door was open and he was scaring the neighbors. When we told him, he was so embarrassed but it was really funny.
Well, I heard about a housemate who decided to train their pet parrot to say 'Good morning' every day. But instead, the parrot learned to say 'More crackers' at the top of its lungs all day long. It drove everyone in the house crazy but was also really funny.
A pilot once told his passengers that they were flying over a'secret alien base' as a joke. The passengers were all very excited and started looking out of the windows. He then had to explain it was just a joke.
There was a really funny incident where a couple got into an argument about who was supposed to carry the passports. They ended up dropping them, and as they were scrambling to pick them up, a gust of wind blew the passports under a bench. Meanwhile, their flight was about to board, and they were running around like crazy trying to find them. Another story is about a man who mistook the perfume sample sprayer for a water bottle and sprayed it all over his face thinking it was water to freshen up.
One of the funniest is about a toddler who was playing with his booger like it was a toy. He was rolling it between his fingers and showing it to everyone, completely unaware of how gross it was. His parents were both horrified and amused at the same time.
There is this story of a little girl who was performing in a school play. She was supposed to be a fairy and had to fly across the stage using a pulley system. But when it was her turn, she got her dress tangled in the pulley. Instead of flying gracefully, she just dangled there, kicking her legs and trying to free herself. The whole audience couldn't stop laughing.
My sister told me about her friend who wanted a long layered haircut. The hairdresser got carried away and made the layers so extreme that it looked like a staircase on her head. She was really embarrassed at first but then she decided to have fun with it. She took pictures and shared them on social media with funny captions, and it became a big hit. People were commenting and sharing the pictures, all having a good laugh.
At a school play, one of the actors forgot his lines. Instead of staying silent, he started making up really strange and hilarious things. For example, he said he was a space alien visiting the Earth for the first time and was looking for the king of the carrots. The whole audience was distracted from the original play and was just laughing at his improvised performance. He really stole the show in an unexpected way.
I heard about a parrot that learned to mimic the sound of a broken car engine. Whenever someone started their car outside, the parrot would start making this sputtering noise. It was hilarious.
I heard about a guy who went to buy shoes. He put on a pair and walked around the store to test them. But he didn't notice that there was a price tag sticker on the bottom of one shoe. So he walked all around the store leaving a trail of the sticker on the floor, and when the salesperson told him, he was so embarrassed and we all had a good laugh.
A student once had to give a presentation in front of the class. He prepared a PowerPoint presentation but accidentally saved it in a wrong format. When he tried to open it during the presentation, it wouldn't work. So he had to improvise and ended up just talking really fast and jumbling up all his points, which was both hilarious and a failure.