Around 9 DPO, I had some spotting which initially worried me, but it was very light. Along with that, I felt a bit nauseous, especially in the mornings. I was also more emotional than normal. When I finally got the positive pregnancy test, it all made sense. The body gives out these little clues, and for me, these symptoms were the signs that led to that wonderful BFP. It's important to note that every woman's experience can be different, but these were my signs that led to a successful pregnancy.
At 12 DPO, I experienced a few symptoms. My sense of smell was heightened. I could smell things from far away that I normally wouldn't notice. I also had some light spotting which I later found out was implantation bleeding. Along with that, I had a strange metallic taste in my mouth. I tested and got a BFP. These symptoms are often overlooked but can be important signs of pregnancy. In hindsight, it was amazing to realize how these seemingly small things were actually signs of new life starting.
Well, one success story could be that some women experience mild cramping at 2 DPO. It's like a very light tugging feeling in the lower abdomen. And then they end up with a BFP (big fat positive, meaning a positive pregnancy test). Another symptom could be breast tenderness. Slight swelling and soreness in the breasts were early signs for some who later got a positive result.
At 12 dpo, I had really vivid dreams which I later found out could be a symptom. Along with that, I felt a bit more tired. I was a bit skeptical when I decided to take the test, but it turned out positive. It was a great feeling. For me, it just shows that these symptoms can be real signs of pregnancy. I was really happy and started preparing for the new journey right away.
I got a BFP after having 12 DPO symptoms. I had nausea. It wasn't too severe but it was there. My nipples were also very sensitive. Just touching my shirt made them feel uncomfortable. I tested and it was positive. It was such a wonderful moment knowing that those symptoms were due to pregnancy.
At 11 DPO, a possible sign leading to BFP success is increased basal body temperature. If you've been tracking your BBT, and it stays elevated past the normal luteal phase length, it could be a good sign. Mood swings are also quite common. Hormonal changes can make a woman feel more emotional. Additionally, frequent urination can start this early. The growing embryo can put pressure on the bladder, causing the need to pee more often. All these symptoms can be part of the journey to a positive pregnancy test.
I know of a story where a woman felt a bit nauseous at 12 dpo. And it was a sign of pregnancy for her. She just had this queasy feeling and then she tested positive.
At 9 DPO, I felt really bloated. It was like I had eaten a huge meal all the time. And I had increased urination. I took a pregnancy test a few days later and it was positive. These symptoms were a clear indication for me. Every woman might not have the same symptoms, but for me, these were the signs that led to that exciting BFP. It's amazing how the body functions during this time.
I know someone who had nausea at 5 dpo. It was really mild but it was a sign. And she got a positive pregnancy test later. It was probably because of the hormonal shift that happens so early in pregnancy.
A friend of mine got a bfp at 14dpo. She was so excited when she saw the two lines on the test. Her first sign was that she felt really warm all the time, like she had a bit of a fever but it wasn't. It was just her body adjusting to the new little life inside her.
Some women experience food cravings or aversions very early, like at 2 DPO. For example, someone who normally loves coffee might suddenly not be able to stand the smell or taste of it. Or they might crave something really specific like pickles. This can be an indication of hormonal changes that are associated with pregnancy and can end in a BFP. Also, a bit of bloating is sometimes noticed. It's like the body is starting to change even at this early stage.