She dropped her book. He picked it up. 'I think I'm falling for you,' he whispered. 'I caught you already,' she smiled.
He saw her across the crowded room. 'You're my forever', he thought.
Walking in the forest, I heard a whisper behind me. I turned, but saw only trees. Then the whisper came again, closer.
One: I told my dog he was adopted. He looked at me, sniffed, and went back to sleep. He doesn't care. Another: I asked the librarian if the library had any books on paranoia. She whispered, 'They're right behind you!'
Story 1: A cat saw a mirror. It thought it was another cat. So it hissed for an hour. Story 2: I told my plant a joke. It didn't laugh. Maybe it needs better ears. Story 3: I bought shoes online. They looked great. But they were for the wrong foot.
One: The old house creaked. I turned, and a shadowy figure stared from the corner. Another: Alone in the forest, a whisper said my name. I ran, but it followed in the wind.
He finally reached his dream place, alone. It was a place he had always wanted to visit with his best friend, but they had a falling - out and now he was there by himself, looking at the beautiful scenery yet feeling an emptiness inside.
I heard a knock at the door. I opened it, but no one was there, yet the knocking continued.
A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store.
Here's another: 'The old doll sat on the shelf. Its eyes followed me. I turned off the light. In the dark, it giggled softly.'
I heard a knock at the door. I opened it, no one was there, but I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.