You can usually tell by looking at the viewer list. If someone's name shows up multiple times, it might indicate they rewatched.
There's often no direct way to know for sure. But sometimes, Snapchat might give you hints like showing a different icon or marking next to the viewer's name if they rewatched. However, this feature isn't always consistent.
You can't directly know who rewatched your snap story. Snapchat doesn't provide that specific feature.
Sorry, you usually can't tell exactly who rewatched your Snap story. Snapchat doesn't provide that specific feature.
No. Snapchat doesn't disclose who has rewatched your story.
You might be able to tell if they leave the same comments or reactions multiple times.
Sorry, I don't know. Maybe there's a specific feature or setting in the app that shows this, but I'm not sure.
Sorry, there's no direct way to see who rewatched your snap story. Snapchat doesn't provide this feature.
Sorry, I don't think there's a direct way to see exactly who rewatched your story on Snap. Maybe in the future they'll add that feature.
I think you can check it in the story settings or view analytics section on Snap. But it might not be that straightforward.
You might not be able to know for sure. Snapchat doesn't provide a direct feature to tell you who rewatched your story.
You might not be able to directly see who rewatched your snap story. Usually, Snapchat doesn't provide this specific feature.