Yes. The manga of Attack on Titan ended, but it left a lasting impact on the manga world with its complex plot and memorable characters.
Sure has. The manga of Attack on Titan wrapped up after a long and intense run, leaving fans with a definitive ending to the saga.
Yes, it has. The final chapters of the manga were released, bringing the story to a conclusion.
The Attack on Titan manga did come to an end before 2017. It had a conclusive finish that wrapped up the storylines and arcs of the characters.
Yes, it has. The final chapter was released a while ago.
Yes, it has ended. The final chapters were published and concluded the story.
Indeed, the Attack on Titan manga has come to an end. It was a wild ride, and now the story has been told in its entirety.
Yes, it has ended. The final chapters were released, bringing the story to a close.
Yes, it has ended. The final chapters wrapped up the story.
Yes, it has ended. The final chapters wrapped up the story.
Yes, the Attack on Titan manga has finished. It was a highly anticipated and talked-about ending. The final chapters tied up loose ends and provided closure for the characters and the story as a whole.
Yes, it has. The final chapter was released a while ago.
The Attack on Titan manga has indeed concluded. It wrapped up after a long and intense run, providing closure to the story. However, fans' opinions on the ending are quite diverse.