Yes, they should. The same size for comic bags and boards makes handling and organizing your comic collection much easier. It gives a consistent and professional look and offers maximum protection all around.
One way to buy comic bags and boards in bulk is to contact comic supply companies directly. They often have packages available for bulk orders and can provide details on pricing and shipping. Another option is to check out comic conventions or trade shows where vendors might offer bulk deals.
It's not a set rule. You should inspect the condition of the bags and boards regularly. If you notice any signs of damage, like tears or discoloration, it's time to replace them. Usually, a safe bet is to do it every 3-5 years.
It depends on a few factors. If you handle your comics frequently or they're exposed to a lot of dust and moisture, changing them every six months to a year might be a good idea.
The size of comic bags you require depends on the specific comics you have. Typically, standard comic bags are around 6.8 inches by 10.2 inches. However, it's best to measure your comics to ensure a perfect fit.
For fabric storage, large-sized comic book boards might be the best choice. They offer more surface area to stack and organize the fabric neatly. However, it also depends on the amount and type of fabric you have. Smaller boards could be used for smaller quantities or thinner fabrics.
Well, wavy comics in bags and boards might not be the best. The unevenness could lead to inconsistent pressure on the comic, potentially causing warping or damage. It's advisable to try and straighten them out before storing.
Yes, it is. But it depends on your drawing skills and the complexity of your comic. A4 size boards can give you enough space for basic comics, but for very detailed ones, you might need larger formats.
It depends. If you want to protect them from damage or keep them sealed for storage, taping can be a good idea.
You should use acid-free bags to store comic books. They prevent damage from acids and protect the quality of the pages.
The frequency of changing BCW comic boards varies. Generally, if they're in good condition and not exposed to extreme elements, you could get away with changing them once a year. But if they're handled often or in a less-than-ideal environment, it could be every six months.