It's possible to survive, but it depends on a lot of factors. The height, your landing position, and the water conditions all play a role.
The chances of survival are extremely low. A 30-story fall creates an immense impact force that water alone may not be able to cushion enough to prevent serious injury or death.
It's very unlikely. A three-story fall is extremely dangerous and can cause serious injuries or even death.
In most cases, it's highly unlikely to survive. The impact from such a height can cause severe injuries or even be fatal.
It's highly unlikely to survive such a fall. The impact and the force involved are usually too much for the human body to handle without serious injury or death.
It's highly unlikely to survive such a fall. The impact and resulting injuries would likely be fatal.
Surviving a 14-story fall is highly unlikely. The impact force and injuries sustained would be overwhelming for the human body. Broken bones, internal bleeding, and severe trauma are common and often life-threatening.
It's very unlikely. A 4-story fall can cause serious injuries or even be fatal.
In most cases, no. A 10-story fall is extremely dangerous and likely to be fatal.
The chances of survival from a 12-story fall are extremely slim. The force of the landing and the speed at which you hit the ground make it highly unlikely to come out unscathed. You could suffer from multiple fractures, internal bleeding, and head trauma.
It's highly unlikely to survive a 15-story fall. The force and height involved make it almost certain that one would suffer fatal injuries. Maybe in very rare and exceptional circumstances with some form of intervention or cushioning, there could be a slim chance, but that's extremely rare.