You would say 'una novela muy famosa'.
The Spanish equivalent of 'a very famous novel' is 'una novela muy famosa'. This is a common and easily understandable expression. For example, if you wanted to say 'I read a very famous novel', you would say 'Le铆 una novela muy famosa'.
The word for 'novel' in Spanish is 'novela'.
The Spanish term for 'graphic novel' is 'novela gr谩fica'.
The Spanish term for 'crime novel' is 'novela policiaca'.
The Spanish translation for 'fantasy novel' is 'novela de fantas铆a'.
The word for'story' in Spanish is 'historia'.
The word for 'fiction' in Spanish is 'ficci贸n'.
You can say 'comical' as 'cómico' in Spanish. It's a commonly used word for something funny or amusing.
The word for 'comic' in Spanish is 'c贸mic'.
In Spanish, 'comics' is usually translated as 'c贸mics'. It's a pretty straightforward translation. For example, if you want to say 'I like comics', you would say 'Me gustan los c贸mics'.