Savitar doesn't end up killing Iris in the comics. The storylines in the comics branch out in various directions, and this particular event doesn't occur.
No, Savitar doesn't kill Iris in the comics.
No, Savitar doesn't kill Iris in the comics.
No, Savitar doesn't kill Iris West in the comics.
No, Savitar didn't kill Iris in the comics.
Indeed, Black Flash was the one to defeat Savitar. The battle was full of action and unexpected twists, but in the end, Black Flash emerged victorious.
Yes, Savitar does have armor in the comics. It's a distinctive part of his look and gives him added protection and a menacing appearance.
Flash does defeat Savitar in the comics. It's a hard-fought battle, but in the end, Flash's heroism prevails.
Iris doesn't die. Usually, major characters like Iris have plotlines that continue and don't end in death. It's all part of the ongoing narrative.
Sure, Savitar made an appearance in the comics. He brought a unique element to the overall narrative and had his own set of adventures and conflicts.
The transformation of Barry into Savitar in the comics is a result of a combination of factors. It includes his internal struggles, external influences, and a series of choices that lead him down this dark path.
The Flash defeats Savitar by outsmarting him and using his speed in creative ways. He finds weaknesses in Savitar's powers and strategies.