It could be that you haven't reached a certain level of authorization or met specific requirements to add links. Sometimes, it also depends on the type of story or the community guidelines.
Maybe it's because of the platform's settings or restrictions. Some sites don't allow adding links for security or policy reasons.
The inability to add a link on a story might be due to technical glitches or compatibility issues. It could also be that the story format or the hosting platform simply doesn't support link additions.
Maybe there are some technical glitches or restrictions on the platform you're using. Check if you have the right permissions or if the feature is available for your account type.
It could be that the story format or settings don't allow for links to be added. Check if there are any specific rules or restrictions for that particular story.
Maybe there's a technical glitch or a restriction on the platform you're using. Check the platform's guidelines and settings.
There could be a few reasons. Maybe your account isn't verified, or the story is in a read-only mode. Another possibility is that the website has temporarily disabled the link-adding function for maintenance or other reasons.
It could be that you haven't met certain requirements for adding links. For example, you might need to have a certain level of membership or your story might need to meet specific criteria.
Well, it could be due to a number of reasons. Maybe the story was published in a way that doesn't allow for links to be added. Or perhaps there are specific rules or permissions that haven't been met to enable link addition for that specific story from 2020.
It could be that you haven't met certain requirements or conditions to add a link. For example, you might need to have a certain level of credibility or a verified account. Also, the story's format or topic could prevent link addition.
Sometimes, it might be because your account doesn't have the necessary permissions. Check your account settings or contact the platform's support team for assistance.
Maybe there's a technical glitch. Try refreshing the page or checking your internet connection.
Maybe it's a platform restriction. Some sites or apps have rules against adding links for security or content policy reasons.