There could be a few reasons. Maybe you haven't met the requirements for commenting, like having a certain level of activity or following. Or it could be a problem with the platform's servers. Have you tried logging out and back in?
Maybe the story owner has disabled comments or there's a technical glitch. Check if there's any notification or error message.
There could be a few reasons. It could be that you haven't met certain requirements set by the platform, like having a verified account or reaching a certain level of activity. Or perhaps the story was posted in a group or section where comments are not allowed.
Could be that the platform has specific rules against sharing certain types of stories. Or perhaps you haven't completed some verification steps needed to enable the sharing function.
Maybe the commenting feature is disabled for that story. It could be a technical glitch or the author's choice.
Maybe there's a technical glitch or your internet connection is unstable.
It might be that your account settings or privacy settings are interfering. Or, the person could have accidentally blocked you from seeing their story. Another possibility is that the story has expired or been removed.
Maybe there's a technical glitch or the commenting feature has been temporarily disabled for that story.
It could be that you haven't met the requirements to comment, like being registered for a certain period or having a certain level of activity. Or perhaps the story's owner has disabled comments altogether.
Maybe it's because the commenting feature is disabled for that particular story.
Maybe there's a technical glitch or the commenting feature is temporarily disabled for that story.