It depends. In some cases, obtaining and sharing manga raws without proper authorization is illegal as it violates copyright laws.
You might find them on some dedicated manga forums or websites. But be careful, as accessing unauthorized sources could be against the law.
One option could be certain file-sharing websites, but be careful as not all of them are legal or safe. Another possibility is to search on dedicated manga download platforms, but make sure they are authorized to distribute the content.
It's not advisable. Reading manga on public raws is often against copyright laws and may not provide a quality reading experience.
There are a few websites that offer manga raws, but be careful as some of them might be illegal or have poor quality. One option could be MangaRawz, but make sure to check the legality and reliability.
You need to have a good understanding of both the source and target languages. Also, familiarize yourself with manga-specific terms and cultural references.
Well, it's not a straightforward yes or no. If you're cleaning manga raws for a legitimate company or client who has a budget for this kind of work, then yes, you could get paid. But if it's something you're doing on your own or for an informal group without a payment arrangement, then no.
It depends. Some manga websites have legal licenses to distribute manga, but many are illegal and infringe on copyright.
The legality of online manga varies. Legitimate platforms that have obtained rights to distribute manga are legal. However, sites that offer pirated or unlicensed manga are definitely not legal. It's important to support legal channels to ensure creators are compensated for their work.
Yes, Manga Planet is legal if it operates within the boundaries of copyright laws and has the necessary licenses to distribute manga content.
Yes, Viz manga is legal. It's a legitimate source for manga content.